Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Rained Out

Sunday we were rained out.  Under the new lockdown regulations, church services may be held, but only outdoors while observing social distancing rules.  Since the Open Bible Church in Gherla does not have a parking lot or any suitable outdoor space, it was decided to hold the service on the front steps of the church with the congregation sitting in chairs on the sidewalk and blocked-off parking spaces in front of the church.  So Saturday evening, Pastor Simi, along with the worship team and the sound team, moved the sound equipment and instruments just inside the front doors to be ready for Sunday morning.  Sadly, only an hour before service, it started to rain and the worship team and sound team quickly and skillfully moved all the equipment back to the front of the sanctuary. The service started on time and went on as usual.  Mike, with the capable interpretation of Gabi Hosu, preached a good sermon on being filled with the Holy Spirit and those who were able watched online. 
We will try again on Thursday to hold the regular service outside.  We are asking God for no rain!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Restrictions Eased

Nancy is very pleased to be able to walk under the trees in the park again.
Friday was a happy day for us.  That day the State of Emergency ended in Romania and some of the lockdown restrictions were lifted.  We are no longer limited to certain hours out of the house nor do we have to carry papers stating where we are going.  Some stores, barber shops and beauty parlors have been opened, so Mike is getting his hair cut today.  The parks were opened again and we are very glad to be able to exercise among the greenery again.  We noted that since the park employees did not work during the lockdown, the grass grew two to three feet tall, so crews were out with weed whackers and rakes making the park beautiful again.

Churches are allowed to meet, but only outside utilizing social distancing rules.  Unfortunately, the Open Bible Church does not have a parking lot nor any other appropriate outdoor space, so the pastors are continuing with online services for at least another couple of weeks.  We thank the Lord for the ability to do this and the many people who are being reached over the internet.  We also thank God that we are healthy and that he is working in this strange situation.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Enjoying Zsuzsa's Lilacs

Enjoying Zsuzsa's lilacs
One of the benefits of being in lockdown is that I (Nancy) am required to take my walks close to home, so I walk around our large block a few times to get my steps in.  That means that if any of the neighbors are outside, I am able to wave, say hi or chat for a few minutes over the fence.  Some friends from church live on the opposite side of our block and yesterday Zsuzsa was outside in her garden. I stopped to chat for a couple of minutes and mentioned that her lilacs smelled wonderful and that they were my favorite flower.  She made me wait a bit while she found some garden shears and cut me a bunch to take home.  Their lovely scent has filled our house and I am encouraged to pray for her whenever I see them.
We have heard that some of the lockdown measures will be eased starting May 15, but the Parliament has not yet made final decisions regarding that.  Hopefully, the parks will be opened again and we will be able to enjoy exercising under the beautiful trees soon.  The past week, however, the hours were expanded for people over 65 to be allowed out of their homes, so I am pleased to have a little bit more liberty.
Whatever decisions are made, I am happy that I have been able to see some folks from church during my walks.  May the Lord bring us all together again as a congregation soon!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Faithful Ministers

The Hosu family - Simi, Lucas, Gabi, Elias
Sunday Mike preached at the Open Bible Church in Gherla.  Restrictions were eased enough the week before so that Nancy was able to accompany him and to share a few words. Pastor Simi Hosu and his family led worship. There are still no meetings allowed, so the service was once again streamed to those with internet on Facebook Live.  You can view the service here: 

We certainly appreciate Simi and Gabi Hosu and their sons who have faithfully ministered online, on the phone and in many other ways to the Open Bible Church members here in Gherla.  They, as well as multitudes of other pastor around the world, have risen to the challenge of the unusual situation during the past couple of months.  We are also pleased that many of the church members are also reaching out to brothers and sisters in Christ and to their neighbors, being the hands and feet of Jesus.  Our prayer is that God will be glorified in and through this unsettled time, that many people will come to trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord and that believers will be built up and encouraged.