Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Green Lightning

Just a little bit of whimsy today. This winter has been mild and quite wet, so there is a lot more moss than normal.  I (Nancy) walk through a nearby park several times a week and this tree is by the path.  I hope you can see how green it is with moss.  I named it "Green Lightning" because of its shape and color and am delighted to see it every time I walk by.  Happy spring!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Ministry in Budapest

Misha translating as his mom prays for the service
Sunday we were invited to minister again at the Örömhir Misszió (Good News Mission) church in Budapest.  It was a wonderful service with great worship, a powerful message and the presence of God.  We went to minister, but we also received ministry along with everyone else.

Misha Tovtin went with us as our translator.  His older daughter came along, too.  We were greeted at the door by many friends who attend the church including Misha's mother.  The Tovtins are originally from western Ukraine and their native language is Russian, so when Misha's mom was asked to lead in prayer, she was delighted that her son could translate for her. (We understand how freeing it is to pray in your own language.)  So Misha translated from Russian to Hungarian and then later translated for us from English to Hungarian.  He is a talented man who uses his gifts for God's glory.

Thank you, Örömhir, for your wonderful hospitality!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy Birthday, Pastor Gulyás!

Yesterday was a surprise 65th birthday party for Pastor Mihály (Misi) Gulyás at the Open Bible Church in Debrecen.  Pastor Misi knew something was up when people from five of the Open Bible Churches he oversees began arriving before the service began.
 The church was packed with people who came not only to worship the Lord, but also to wish their beloved pastor and mentor a happy birthday.  The time began with a great worship service and Mike was privileged to preach.  He spoke about seeking the presence of God and beholding his glory.  After a time of prayer, there were presentations from each of the churches.

 Following the service, everyone was invited to enjoy a meal of stuffed cabbage.  Pastor Misi's wife Márika and his son Obed planned the entire event.  Pastor Misi said he truly was surprised, especially that so many people kept the secret.
Of course, no birthday celebration is complete without cake.  Happy birthday, Pastor Gulyás!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Community Prayer 2016

We were privileged to participate again this year in a week of community prayer.  Several Debrecen congregations met together each night of the week in a different church for a time of worship and prayer.  We prayed together for Debrecen, Hungary, Europe, the churches, and evangelizing the lost.  God answers when we pray!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Helpful Hungarians

Last Friday we had an INSTE board meeting and one of the main items on the agenda was planning for a Leadership Seminar this spring.  We appreciate the board members who made so many helpful suggestions and who volunteered (and accepted being volunteered) for tasks to make the seminar a success.

 Also last weekend Mike took Norbert Kiss with him to visit the INSTE group in Kemecse.  Norbi took pictures and videoed the group while they took their final tests.  We appreciate Norbi, a talented videographer, who is working on creating a promotional video for INSTE to show to prospective INSTE students and pastors.

Norbert Kiss videotaping an INSTE group

It is wonderful to see more and more Hungarians participate in the work of INSTE.  The goal is not just to translate American materials into Hungarian, but to make INSTE truly Hungarian. Good progress is being made.