Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

First and Second Days of Christmas 2016

The Open Bible Church that we attend here in Debrecen has a tradition of having a special church service on December 25 at four in the afternoon.  Since Christmas fell on a Sunday this year, the morning service was cancelled and the service moved to the afternoon.  So, we had a relaxing morning Christmas morning, sleeping in and enjoying the quiet of the holiday.  Nancy made homemade pizza for lunch that we enjoyed along with some Christmas goodies.  Then, that afternoon we walked to church and celebrated our Savior's birth with our church family.  The children presented a special program of poems and music followed by a Christmas sermon by Pastor Gulyás.  Afterward everyone was treated to traditional Christmas candy as we visited with one another.  We hurried home in time to talk with some of our children and grandchildren on Skype.

The second day of Christmas was a day of rest and relaxation.  Both December 25 and 26 are holidays here, referred to as the first day of Christmas and the second day of Christmas.  We took advantage of the extra day, watching a movie, talking with the rest of our children and grandchildren on Skype, and enjoying the quiet.

We are filled with thankfulness that God sent his Son to make us right with him.  We thank Jesus for coming, dying for us and rising again from the dead, and we look forward to him coming again soon in victory.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas from Hungary!

We have had freezing temperatures and fog for several days and it looks like God has been decorating in celebration of His Son's upcoming birthday.  Here are some pictures from the park not far from our home.  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Advent and Young People

These are the Advent candles at church last Sunday.  Each of the four Sundays before Christmas, one more candle is lit, so this means there is only one more Sunday left before Christmas.

Last weekend was the Open Bible Youth Conference here in Debrecen.  Young people from the Open Bible Churches and a few others spent Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning learning about Gideon from six different speakers.  They also worshipped and ate together and enjoyed spending time with each other.  Mike was the Sunday morning speaker.  It was a moving service and the presence of the Lord was powerful.  The young people were sent home with much to consider about their own lives and their motivation for serving God.