Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Inste Conference 2018

This year's Hungarian Inste Conference was an important one with two major highlights.  First, our special speakers were Drs. Nick and Leona Venditti, the authors and founders of Inste.  Everyone was excited to meet them in person and to hear them speak and no one was disappointed.  Friday evening, Leona Venditti spoke at a combined Inste and Pentecostal Church Women's Conference.  The ladies (and a few gentlemen who sneeked in the back) were blessed by Leona's message, The Dust of the Rabbi, about following so closely to Jesus our Rabbi that we become covered with the dust from his feet.  Saturday Nick Venditti spoke on the Kingdom of God, the Message, the Mission and the Motive.  Several Inste students gave testimonies and the day ended with a question and answer panel involving the Drs. Venditti and Tammy Swailes, the Inste Europe Director.

Our second highlight during the conference was the installation of Vince Varga as the new Director of Hungarian Inste.  We are very pleased with this gifted young man that the Lord has raised up to take Inste to the next level.
Vince Varga, his wife Timea and Tammy Swailes
 Right after the conference we took a week of vacation with Nick and Leona Venditti (Nancy's sister) and visited Vienna and Budapest.  We were surprised that although the Vendittis are world travelers, they had never before toured either city.  It was a pleasure to spend some time with them.
Nick and Leona Venditti in Vienna
Please continue to pray for Vince Varga, Inste in Hungary and Inste around the world.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Hungarian Election

Sunday was election day in Hungary.  Yes, elections are normally held on Sundays, not during the week.  The campaign was hard-fought and there were flyers in our mail box every day, messages on Facebook and continual political discussions on the media.  But the campaign season is limited to two months, so it was over quickly.  Hungary has a parliamentary form of government with a prime minister, so the party that wins the most seats in the parliament chooses the prime minister. 

The party that won, Fidesz, has been in power for eight years and has supported Christian values, families and economic growth.  Their campaign slogan was "Hungary First," and they oppose illegal immigration and "sharing our country with others who do not support our culture and values." 

Please join us in prayer for Hungary, that God will direct her leaders to do what is just and right for all the citizens and that God will bring a great spiritual renewal to the entire country.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter Weekend Services

This Easter weekend Mike was invited to speak at two churches.  Saturday afternoon we drove an hour to the Open Bible Church in Kemecse.  We had a wonderful time celebrating the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ with this vibrant, young church. 
Some of the congregation in Kemecse
Some of the House Church congregation
 Sunday morning Mike preached at the House Church in Debrecen.  This is an international church with many students from Debrecen University.  The worship team was made up of students from several nations and together they led us into the presence of God.
The good Samaritan helping the wounded traveler.
 The children put on a little skit about the Good Samaritan.
Dorka and Mike
Usually when Mike speaks at The House Church, Eva Kriszt, a translator of the Inste books interprets for her, but she was busy with other ministry Sunday morning so her daughter Dorka interpreted.  Dorka did a fantastic job.

No matter where or with whom we celebrate Jesus, it is wonderful.  We thank the Lord for a wonderful holiday weekend.