Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Little Rest

This week we had the privilege of attending a missionary retreat in Split, Croatia. This retreat was hosted by Christian Hospitality Network whose mission statement reads in part:

The Christian Hospitality Network is committed to bringing Christian workers, travelers and innkeepers together in a way that encourages everyone. We are continually working to find ways to carry “A cold cup of water in Jesus’ name.” Our main outreach comprises a network of over 1000 B&B and Country Inns who see Hospitality as a Biblical Virtue. They agree to provide lodging free of adult rated viewing material and give substantial discounts to Missionaries, Pastors and Christian workers. We also provide regular Missionary GetAways giving times of rest to front line Christian workers overseas.

As well as the CHN affiliates, these getaways are made possible by the generous donations of believers such as the Cathy family of Chic-fil-A restaurants, and Bill & Gloria Gaither. The only cost to us was the cost of travel and any souvenirs or other items we purchased.

There were approximately 250 missionaries from 26 countries at this retreat in Croatia. It was a great opportunity to relax, refresh and network with the other missionaries. We appreciate the generosity of everyone who made this possible.

Inside Diocletian's palace grounds in Split, Croatia
Beautiful view from the hotel balcony
 Not only did we have a refreshing, relating time at the missionary retreat, we were also able to enjoy hot showers and baths the whole time.  When we returned to our apartment in Debrecen, however, we discovered the gas is still off.  The weather is getting cooler, so the little space heater we have is working overtime.  More work is scheduled on Tuesday on the gas lines.  Hopefully, the authorities will be satisfied soon that everything is up to code and will restore our gas connection!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tomor Visit

Dezső (center) and his family in front of their home with Zoli (l) and Dori (r)
Friday we spent the day in Tomor and Kupa with Pastor Misi Gulyás, Zoli and Dori Ács, and David Bereczki.  We visited the INSTE members in these two small villages and discussed plans for INSTE there, home groups and other matters.  We love these dear friends in the Lord and ask that you pray that God's presence, provision and wisdom be theirs.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tires and Tablecloths

Monday we took Karl and Dyrie Francis to Budapest so that they would not have to leave so very early from Debrecen to catch their flight on Tuesday morning.  We thought we might do a little sightseeing, too, while we were there.

A little less than an hour out of Budapest, however, the car started shaking.  We pulled off the side of the road and then went to a filling station to inspect the car.  It seemed that a tire was out of balance or something like that, so we decided to head on into Budapest and take care of the problem the next morning.

In Budapest we checked into our hotel and headed over to the Church in the Cave, a famous church connected to a monastery.  Then we stopped at the Great Market Hall to look around.  The market is huge, with the ground floor dedicated to fresh food and the upper story to souvenirs and gifts.  When we went upstairs, Dyrie saw a stand with beautiful embroidery work of all kinds.  She reminded Karl that their new communion table is in need of a table cloth.  They were able to find a beaut
iful linen cloth with a matching cover cloth that was perfect for the new table.  How exciting that a little bit of Hungary will be in the Living Word Open Bible Church in Cooper City, Florida!
Dyrie inspecting the cover cloth.
We ate supper and then that evening walked along the Danube river and across the Chain Bridge.  Budapest is breathtaking at night!
Karl on the Chain Bridge with the Palace on the hilltop behind him

Tuesday morning we drove Karl and Dyrie to the airport in the still-vibrating car.  After we said goodbye, we drove to a repair shop that was not far from the airport.  The mechanic showed Mike the rear tire that had a dangerous bulge in it.  The bulge had caused the tire to be out of balance and shook the car as we drove.  We were able to buy two new tires, have them put on, and were on the road back to Debrecen in two hours.  We thank the Lord for his protection!  What an end to a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sunday Ministry with Karl Francis

Sunday we enjoyed two services in which Karl Francis ministered the Word.  Sunday morning Karl spoke at the Open Bible Church in Debrecen from 1 Chronicles 11:23 on becoming a lion-chaser.  Many people were challenged and came forward to be prayed for.

Karl Francis at the Shalom Open Bible Church in Debrecen (Misha Tovtin translating)
We enjoyed lunch with Pastor Gulyás and his son Obed and Misha Tovtin who translated for Karl in both services.  We then drove to Ibrány for the afternoon service there.  They were joined by the people from the church in Gávavencselő. Both of these churches were started by and are led by INSTE graduates. The little church, a remodeled two-bedroom house, was packed!  At least 100 people were there, many of them standing the entire service since there was not enough room for everyone to sit.  This was another powerful service with many making their way forward for prayer afterward.

The church was filled to overflowing in Ibrány
God ministered mightily even though the translator Misha was suffering from a sore throat and Karl did not feel well because of a cold. May God bless them for their faithfulness.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Leadership Conference

Karl and Dyrie Francis
Karl and Dyrie Francis arrived in Debrecen last Thursday evening after a grueling trip of over 24 hours!  We enjoyed a little supper together and sent them off to get some sleep!
Chuck translates for Karl
Friday evening the Leadership Conference began and it continued with three sessions on Saturday.  Pastor Karl presented a series of teachings on discipleship, training leaders, releasing leaders and being refreshed in ministry.  The messages built one on another and everyone who participated not only learned a lot, but was encouraged by the Lord. 
Livia shows off her smile while waiting in line for lunch.
But the conference was not just about sitting and listening, we had food and fellowship, too.  We enjoyed a delicious meal together at noon on Saturday and got to know one another a little better by sharing what we were learning. 

We want to thank everyone who made the conference a success--the speaker, the translators, the worship team, the prayer warriors, the cooks, the sound and technical people, the Elet Church who loaned us their facility and everyone else who helped.  God bless you!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Exciting Week

Karl Francis
We have an exciting week this week.  Karl and Dyrie Francis from Fort Myers, Florida are coming to Debrecen.  Karl is speaking at the INSTE Leadership Conference this Friday and Saturday.  Karl and Dyrie were in Hungary four years ago and everyone who met them then is very happy that they will be returning.  This is the first conference we have planned, so we are not sure how many to expect at the services and workshops, but we are certain everyone who attends will be blessed and encouraged.  Karl has also agreed to preach at two Open Bible Churches on Sunday.  When the church in Ibrány heard that a preacher from America would be their guest, they couldn't contain their excitement and whooped and hollered. We, too, are expecting much from the Lord this weekend.  Please pray for safe travel, health, and anointing on Karl and Dyrie as they minister in Hungary.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Still No Gas

We still have no gas in our apartment.  Workmen have been in the building all week making the changes necessary for the gas to be turned back on.  The other apartments should be getting gas today, but because of problems with the paperwork for our apartment, ours will be off until next week.  Our landlady was kind enough to give us a little discount on our rent this month to help make up for the inconvenience.  And we thank the Lord that the weather has remained nice enough so we don't need heat yet.  But, we are looking forward to nice, long, hot baths next week.

Monday, October 1, 2012

More INSTE Students

Yesterday the new INSTE group in the Open Bible Church in Debrecen was presented their books.  Tomorrow we will deliver 16 books for two more groups northeast of Debrecen.  That will bring the total number of current INSTE students to 45.  Praise the Lord!  May all those who are studying INSTE fall more in love with God and His Word.