Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Transition Time

Just one week from today we leave for Hungary.  I (Nancy) am both excited and stressed at this time.  I am very excited to get back to Hungary and to our work, our friends and our home there.  I will be very happy to put my suitcase in the closet!

I am stressed, though, because there is much to be done yet before we can leave.  Some of it cannot be done until the last couple of days, so being a person who does not like to wait until the last minute, it can be unnerving.  And then there is the stress of changing from one culture to the other.  We must adjust from using dollars to using forint, speaking English to speaking Hungarian, driving everywhere to walking most places, hugs and handshakes to hugs, handshakes and kissing on both cheeks. 

All of these things and more are on my mind which makes completing tasks in the moment more difficult.  This is the time I must fully trust in the Lord, to carry me by His Holy Spirit through the disruption to being settled again in Hungary.  Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Catching Up

Oh my!  It's been almost two weeks since we have written, so here is a short summary on what has happened since our last blog.

Speaking at Maranatha Open Bible Church in Des Moines, IA

On Friday evening, April 11, we were invited to speak at Maranatha Open Bible Church in Des Moines.  Pastor Mickey Carvour is a long-time friend and he and his congregation welcomed us to their regular Friday night Bible study.  The turn-out was great and it was fun being able to share again with a church near where Nancy grew up.

Cedar Rapids was our destination on Sunday, April 13.  Former pastors and long-time friends Pastors Chuck and Sharon Stevens took us out to eat for delicious Iowa tenderloins on Saturday evening.  We enjoyed visiting with them and learning about their "retirement."  Even though they are retired, they are still very actively ministering as interim pastors.

Worshiping at First Church of the Open Bible in Cedar Rapids, IA
Sunday morning First Church of the Open Bible in Cedar Rapids was full of worshipers for Palm Sunday (or Flower Sunday as it is known in Hungary) and we truly enjoyed worshiping with them and Pastor Dan and Amy Sanford.

Since we had no services scheduled for Easter week, we traveled to see our grandchildren (and their parents) one more time before we return to Hungary.  Monday through Friday we were in Montana with Mark and his family and then Saturday evening through Tuesday morning we were in Minnesota with Paul and his family.  It was wonderful to be able to give Levi, Nate, Isaac and Mychael lots of hugs.  Unfortunately, Nancy came down with a nasty cold that turned into bronchitis during the week.  Thank the Lord, she was able to see the doctor and is now much better.

Our travels are quickly coming to a close.  We will be visiting just four more churches before we return to Hungary on May 7.  As much as we love seeing old friends, making new ones and ministering to so many people in the US, we are very excited about being able to get back to our ministry in Hungary soon.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sedalia and Loves Park

We have visited churches in two different states the past two weekends.

Pastor Mark Kosifas helps lead worship at New Life Open Bible in Sedalia, MO
On Sunday, March 30, we were in Sedalia, Missouri and spoke at New Life Open Bible Church in the morning and Liberty Life Open Bible in the evening.  Missourians are so down-to-earth and friendly and we loved being with our Open Bible brothers and sisters there.  It was so worth the trip.  Both churches blessed us with good food and generous offerings toward the work in Hungary.  We stayed two nights with Pastor David of New Life Church.  He got so excited about Hungary that he starting planning a trip to visit us!
Pastor Gary Smith prays a blessing over the potluck meal at Liberty Life Church in Sedalia, MO

On Sunday, April 6, we were in Loves Park, Illinois at Journey Church.  During the service, we heard testimonies from several ladies who had just returned from the Central Region Women's Conference.  Everyone was so excited about Jesus, not just the ladies who testified, but the entire congregation.  And the best news was that one young man accepted Christ as his Savior after the service.
Worship service at Journey Church in Loves Park, IL
We have just six church visits remaining before we return to Hungary on May 7.  We really enjoy itineration, but we are looking forward to being back to work in Hungary soon.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Board Meeting

We were privileged this week to be part of the Inste Bible College Board meetings this week.  Also sitting in on the meetings were Juan Cruz, Regional Director of Latin American INSTE, and Tammy Swailes, Regional Director of European INSTE.  The focus of the board meeting was on INSTE Global, the international arm of INSTE.  Many exciting things were discussed and decided that concern making disciples and training church leaders worldwide.  May God lead and provide for the future of INSTE around the world.