Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Back to Hungary

Tuesday we packed up our car and headed back to Hungary from Romania.  The month of August was filled with good ministry, teaching and encouragement.  We are so blessed to be able to share a little bit of our lives with God's beautiful people in the Open Bible Church in Gherla.  They gave us in return much love, many hugs, and too much delicious food.  Please continue to pray for the church in Gherla, Romania, and their leaders, Simi and Gabi Hosu, that God will build them up and that they will impact their whole community for the Kingdom of God.
Sunday lunch with Simi (left) and Gabi (third from left) their two sons and other friends.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Birthday in Romania

Sunday was Mike's birthday and some of our Romanian friends surprised us with a birthday lunch following the morning service.  We ate some yummy Romanian food followed by birthday cake and a happy birthday serenade.  Tuesday drove the four hours to Hunedoara for a mini-vacation to celebrate Mike's birthday.  We'll spend a couple of nights in a hotel with internet and visit the castle and other sites of this historic city.  Happy birthday, Mike!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Honor God and Others

We see horses and wagons frequently as they drive by where we are staying in Gherla, Romania.  Gherla is a town of about 20,000, with a good-sized population of Gypsies.  Most of the horses we see are work horses being used by Gypsies. 
 Sunday morning Mike preached at the Open Bible Church about honoring God with our actions, honoring each other as members of the Body of Christ, and honoring others outside the church also because they, like we, are made in the image of God and because Christ died for them.  It was a powerful sermon, especially when application was made to treating as valuable even the outcasts and forgotten people like the handicapped and the Gypsies. 
Nancy spoke Saturday at a ladies' meeting and was well-received.  The interpreters for both Mike and Nancy were a couple from the US who are visiting family.  It was the first time Joseph and Rodika interpreted, but they both did a great job.  May God reward them for their sacrificial ministry.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Hot Weather in Europe

This park is just a couple of blocks from where we are staying in Romania this month.  It is a great place to spend some time with friends, to get out of the heat or to get some good exercise. 

This past week was a hot one in eastern Europe.  Here in Gherla the temperature hit 100 degrees F one day.  There is little air conditioning in town.  The church, the cafe we go to to use the internet, and the apartment we are staying in do without it.  But we have nothing to complain about. We have a fan and we are on the first floor of our building, so it did not get above 82 degrees at home. Last night it stormed and today is much cooler, so it is more pleasant to be outside. We are taking advantage of the cooler day as the forecast is for highs in the 90's for most of the rest of the week.

Please continue to pray for us as we will be doing more teaching this week and Mike will be preaching on Sunday.