Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Growing Together in the Lord

The Bible study ladies in discussion.
On Tuesdays, I (Nancy) am part of a small Bible-study group.  We meet together to share songs and poems and to discuss what we have read in the previous week's daily Bible reading. We pray for each other and for the sick, the church and the community.  We always have a great time learning, laughing and crying together.  More often than not, one of us arrives at the meeting not feeling well, but when that happens we pray for her and by the time the meeting is finished, she says how much better she feels!
I do not always understand everything that is said since it is all in Romanian, but I can follow the gist of what is discussed and can share a tiny bit here and there.  I usually use Google Translate ahead of time so I can share what God showed me in the Bible reading for that week.  The ladies are very kind and patient with me and we always learn from each other.  The best part is that the Holy Spirit is with us and leads us in our prayer and conversation.  Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Langos, a fried bread with cheese and sour cream.
Nancy is enjoying being part of a Bible study group on Tuesday mornings.  This morning they met at Mery's house and had a wonderful time singing, sharing from the Bible and praying.  Toward the end of their time together, Mery announced that she was making langos for everyone.  The lunch was delicious!  Thanks, ladies, for your love, encouragement and yummy food!

Mery making langos.
Domnița enjoying her langos

Monday, November 4, 2019

40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life final day. Photo by Simi Hosu, left.
For some years, the Open Bible Church in Gherla has participated in the 40 Days for Life Event.  Several churches from town participate, manning a booth in front of the hospital, in front of a memorial to the babies who died as a result of abortion, encouraging people to choose life, to save babies and not abort them.  We took part ourselves, taking a two-hour shift each Friday for the 40 days.  The best news this year is that the hospital is making plans to set aside a room for pastors and counselors to meet with women considering abortion before the procedure to discuss their options.
The picture above was taken the last day we were at the booth, on November 1, which is Day of the Dead, or Luminary Day.  You may notice in the background people with candles.  It is tradition to put candles and flowers on graves and memorials on November 1, remembering the lives of those who have died, somewhat similar to Memorial Day in the US.