Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Whoa, it's been almost two weeks since we've updated our blog.  So, what have we been doing the past two weeks? 

One thing we have done is continue to have required medical tests.  Mike had a special glaucoma test due to his family history and a borderline result on his glaucoma screening at his regular optometrist visit.  Praise the Lord, the test showed he does not have glaucoma!  Nancy had a mammogram.  Her doctor told her that since she has two sisters who have had breast cancer that he would personally pick her up in his car and take her to get the test if she didn't do it herself.  Of course, he was joking, but it was important to have the test.  Again we praise the Lord that the mammogram showed no abnormality!

We have continued with our preparations for visiting churches including making phone calls, preparing mailings, and sending emails.  Our schedule has expanded some and we are pleased to report that we will be visiting Solid Rock Church in Spearfish, South Dakota, on Thursday evening, September 26.

Last weekend we visited our youngest son Matt and his wife Mandy in Ypsilanti, Michigan.  Since we last visited their home, almost three years ago, they had adopted another cat and another dog and moved into their own home.  It was great to be able to spend some time together in their home.

This weekend is our last before our official itineration begins.  Mike has been invited to speak at Sunshine Open Bible Church in Des Moines Sunday morning, so anyone in the area is invited to the 10 a.m. service.  Nancy will be going with her sister Neola to Dallas to attend their aunt's 100th birthday party.  We'll have pictures for the next blog.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Iowa Falls Visit

Saturday and Sunday we visited our friends in Iowa Falls, Iowa.  Saturday afternoon Mike played golf with his long-time golf partner, Herb Kenyon.  Herb let his guest win, but just by one stroke.  During their game, Nancy had a nice visit with Jaccie Kenyon and afterwards we enjoyed supper with the family. 

Sunday morning, we gave a short report to the church about what God is doing in Hungary and then joined the congregation in worship and the Word.  It was a treat to hear Pastor Jaccie give a sermon on what she learned from horses about our relationships with God and others.

Thanks, Kenyons and Iowa Falls friends, for your hospitality!

We are back in Des Moines for a while to finish up required tests for our physicals.  It seems the older we get, the longer these physicals take. :-)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Chippewa Falls

Sunday we visited the New Life Open Bible Church in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. 
Even though Pastors Steve and Kathy Emerson were away for a much-needed family day, the congregation welcomed us warmly.  The Lord was present during the worship and prayer time.
And several people asked insightful questions after our presentation. These are people whose hearts are for winning the lost in their own community and around the world.
Several others continued to ask questions during the potluck meal after the service.  The food was delicious and the people kind and generous.  Can't get any better than that.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Back in Austin (Minnesota, that is)

This week we have been in Austin, Minnesota, where we pastored the Open Bible Church for 10 years before we left for Hungary.  Our oldest son, Paul, is now the pastor of the church (now known as Living Bible Church) and invited us to speak last Sunday.  We had a wonderful time seeing our long-time friends and sharing with them what God is doing in Hungary. 
We forgot to take pictures until after the service, so Mike posed for this one. :-)

We are very proud of Paul and Kate as they pastor this church.  Many of the congregation expressed how they enjoy their ministry and the ministry of the church.

Since Sunday we have been able to spend time with Paul and Kate and our grandson Levi.  For three days, Nancy babysat Levi while his parents worked.  He is a well-behaved little boy, but he sure wore his grandma out trying to keep up with him!
Levi loved it when Grandma and Papa took him to the park.

Sunday morning we will be speaking at New Life Open Bible Church in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin (11790 17th Ave.)  If you are in the area, we invite you to come to the 10:30 service.