Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Online meeting

Simi asked us to smile and took this snapshot during the meeting.
 Like many other people around the world, we are doing our best to do as much work as possible from home.  This past week we went online to have our regular meeting with Simi and Gabi Hosu, pastors of the Open Bible Church in Gherla.  It was not the same as meeting in person, but it was a productive and fruitful time.  We thank the Lord for technology and the ways the Lord is helping us to use it for his glory.
Simi took this snapshot before he told us to smile.  Looks like Nancy needs to get a better night's sleep before the next meeting! ;-)

Monday, April 20, 2020

Hristos a înviat!

Hristos a înviat! (Christ is risen!)  It is Easter Monday here in Romania because Romanians celebrate Easter according to the Eastern Orthodox calendar. 
We personally began our Easter celebration by joining online services from the US last week and by talking with our family via Skype. 
Thursday, we joined our church family here online, remembering the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us on the cross and celebrating the Lord's Supper together in our own homes as we were led by Pastor Simi and his family from the church.  It was a moving time.

One of the Easter eggs we received

Saturday, Nancy delivered some of her famous brownies to a few of the neighbors, keeping appropriate distance, of course, and received back  other treats along with some traditional red-dyed decorated Easter eggs.
On Sunday, we again joined the church family online and celebrated in song and in the Word the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  After service, the pastor and his family drove to the homes of several church members and greeted each one, maintaining distance by staying in the car.  It was hard not to be able to give hugs, but seeing one another was a wonderful encouragement. 
Today, Easter Monday, is a holiday in Romania.  The streets are even quieter than they have been for the past few weeks.  Romania's President Ioanis has extended his stay-at-home orders until at least mid-May.  We praise God that we and those around us are all safe and healthy.
Even though we could not celebrate Easter in the traditional ways, our Savior is still risen and alive and with us today.  Praise his holy Name!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Plum Blossoms

Plum tree in our yard
This beautiful tree blesses us twice--first with lovely white blossoms and later with tasty plums.  God is so good to us to let us live where we can be outside in the garden.
This week has been fairly quiet.  The first Sunday in April, Mike preached at the Open Bible Church in Gherla.  The church was empty except for Pastor Simi Hosu, his wife Gabi, who translated for Mike, and their two sons who with their parents led in worship.  Nancy and the rest of the congregation stayed at home and watched online as we have since the stay-at-home orders began on March 16.  We thank the Lord that we are all safe and healthy. 
During this time we are continuing work as best we can from home and spending more time in prayer.  We know God will use this situation for his purposes and he is preparing each of us who is willing to be part of the great move of his Spirit that is coming.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Remembering Marika

Marika was a great cook and loved ministering to others
Sunday we heard the sad news that Marika (Mary) Gulyas had gone to be with the Lord.  She lost her battle with cancer, but won a place near the throne of God.  We will miss Marika very much.  She was beautiful woman of God who worshipped Him with all her heart and served others with passion.  She was the matriarch of the Open Bible Churches in Hungary, ministering alongside her husband Misi (Michael) Gulyas, the Hungarian Open Bible Field Director.
Marika's passion was cooking and she was good at it, eager to serve sandwiches after church services or full meals to a hundred or more guests.
She especially loved young people, encouraging, teaching, and pouring her life into them in ways that led them to Jesus and changed their lives.
She is already missed by everyone in the Open Bible Churches in Hungary, but most of all by her family, her three children, their spouses and her three grandchildren. Our hearts hurt for Misi, her husband, who loved her through their many years together.
We will miss you, too, Marika!  Thank you for loving us and for loving Jesus.