Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Rained Out

Sunday we were rained out.  Under the new lockdown regulations, church services may be held, but only outdoors while observing social distancing rules.  Since the Open Bible Church in Gherla does not have a parking lot or any suitable outdoor space, it was decided to hold the service on the front steps of the church with the congregation sitting in chairs on the sidewalk and blocked-off parking spaces in front of the church.  So Saturday evening, Pastor Simi, along with the worship team and the sound team, moved the sound equipment and instruments just inside the front doors to be ready for Sunday morning.  Sadly, only an hour before service, it started to rain and the worship team and sound team quickly and skillfully moved all the equipment back to the front of the sanctuary. The service started on time and went on as usual.  Mike, with the capable interpretation of Gabi Hosu, preached a good sermon on being filled with the Holy Spirit and those who were able watched online. 
We will try again on Thursday to hold the regular service outside.  We are asking God for no rain!


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