Nancy is very pleased to be able to walk under the trees in the park again. |
Friday was a happy day for us. That day the State of Emergency ended in Romania and some of the lockdown restrictions were lifted. We are no longer limited to certain hours out of the house nor do we have to carry papers stating where we are going. Some stores, barber shops and beauty parlors have been opened, so Mike is getting his hair cut today. The parks were opened again and we are very glad to be able to exercise among the greenery again. We noted that since the park employees did not work during the lockdown, the grass grew two to three feet tall, so crews were out with weed whackers and rakes making the park beautiful again.
Churches are allowed to meet, but only outside utilizing social distancing rules. Unfortunately, the Open Bible Church does not have a parking lot nor any other appropriate outdoor space, so the pastors are continuing with online services for at least another couple of weeks. We thank the Lord for the ability to do this and the many people who are being reached over the internet. We also thank God that we are healthy and that he is working in this strange situation.
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