Enjoying Zsuzsa's lilacs |
One of the benefits of being in lockdown is that I (Nancy) am required to take my walks close to home, so I walk around our large block a few times to get my steps in. That means that if any of the neighbors are outside, I am able to wave, say hi or chat for a few minutes over the fence. Some friends from church live on the opposite side of our block and yesterday Zsuzsa was outside in her garden. I stopped to chat for a couple of minutes and mentioned that her lilacs smelled wonderful and that they were my favorite flower. She made me wait a bit while she found some garden shears and cut me a bunch to take home. Their lovely scent has filled our house and I am encouraged to pray for her whenever I see them.
We have heard that some of the lockdown measures will be eased starting May 15, but the Parliament has not yet made final decisions regarding that. Hopefully, the parks will be opened again and we will be able to enjoy exercising under the beautiful trees soon. The past week, however, the hours were expanded for people over 65 to be allowed out of their homes, so I am pleased to have a little bit more liberty.
Whatever decisions are made, I am happy that I have been able to see some folks from church during my walks. May the Lord bring us all together again as a congregation soon!
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