Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Church Itineration Complete

Isn't this the cutest little choir member you have ever seen? She came up front with the ladies when the choir was called last Sunday morning at River of Life Open Bible Church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. What a treat to be in the service there with our brothers and sisters!

Sunday evening was the final service of our itineration at Open Bible Church in Austin, Minnesota. It was great to go "home," see our loved ones, and share our heart for Hungary one last time.

We want to thank the Lord for a successful itineration. We enjoyed the time we got to spend with Open Bible people all over the Central Region. Thank you to everyone, especially the pastors, who received us so graciously and treated us like royalty. May God bless you!

And thank you to everyone who supported us financially and who continue to support us. Because of your response to God's call, we will be able to minister to Hungarians on your behalf.

We thank the Lord that we were able to travel over 10,000 miles to 50 churches without any car trouble, accidents or sickness. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hungarian Meal

What a great treat we were given at the Open Bible Church in Polo, Illinois, last Sunday evening. Erika, who is of Hungarian descent, prepared an entire Hungarian meal for the whole group that met at the church. Talk about delicious! Thanks, Erika!

Sunday morning we were treated to a wonderful rendition of "Praises from Every Nation" by the choir at the Open Bible Church in Kankakee, Illinois. The choir even dressed in international costumes for the morning.

We have enjoyed our itineration to the churches so much. It has been great meeting so many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. We will meet with two more churches this Sunday in Brooklyn Park and Austin, Minnesota.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

We Have Tickets!

We have airline tickets for Hungary! We will be leaving January 8 and arriving in Budapest January 9. Praise the Lord! Hungary, here we come!

Please keep praying for our resident visas to come through.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Giving Thanks to the Lord

My favorite holiday is this month--Thanksgiving. I realize that Thanksgiving is not a national holiday in Hungary, but I plan to celebrate it just the same. I enjoy all aspects of Thanksgiving--the turkey dinner, getting together with family, football games--but most of all I enjoy what Thanksgiving stands for--giving thanks to God.

There's a reason God's Word commands us over and over to be thankful. Gratitude has a way of realigning our perspective so that we see things properly from a God-centered point of view instead of a self-centered viewpoint. That results in a recognition of our total reliance on God for every good thing.

Thank you, God for blue skies, brightly colored leaves and the beautiful rustling sound the fallen dry leaves make when I walk through them. Thank You for life in this body, the feel of a good deep breath and of waking from a restful sleep. Thank You for eternal life bought for me by Jesus Christ and the incredible peace and joy that is in Your presence. Thank you for my family--my husband, sons, daughters-in-law and grandson. Thank you, God, for my spiritual family both here and in Hungary. May we always live to bring you glory and to give you thanks.

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Friends

One of the best parts of itineration is making new friends. This is a picture of Eileen, our new friend we stayed with in Lacon, Illinois this week. She showed us great hospitality and served some wonderful food including ice cream at bedtime!

We met another new friend in Hopedale, Illinois. Gabriel is a Hungarian man who moved to the United States when he was just five years old. Gabriel (who in Hungarian is Gabor) was at a Christian book store when he overheard one of the ladies from the Hopedale Open Bible Church tell the clerk that there were going to be missionaries to Hungary at their church the next evening. Gabriel asked her about it and came to the service. All of us had questions for each other and enjoyed spending time visiting with one another.

May God bless all our new friends!