Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Gabi interpreting for Mike as he gave a greeting.
Yesterday afternoon we were invited to go with Pastor Simi and Gabi to minister at a nursing home in a village not far from Gherla. Another family, friends of Simi and Gabi, regularly minister here and asked us to greet the people and share something briefly from the Scripture.  It was a beautiful, sunny day, so it was decided to hold the service outside.  We began with singing some Romanian hymns we were not familiar with, but thankfully, the others had some hymnals that they shared with us.  Then Mike was asked to say a few words.  After a time of prayer, Pastor Simi gave a short message.  We sang a couple more songs and the time ended with passing out a gift of snacks to each person present.
We were pleased to watch Pastor Simi utilize his gifts in ministering both publicly in song and in the Word as well as personally ministering to those in need.  
Simi and Mike walk down the dock to the lake.
 On the way back to Gherla, we made a quick stop at Pike's Lake. It is not far from town and is a popular place for swimmers.  A man we met when we arrived told us that he swims there nine months of the year.  What a dedicated swimmer!
We were told this beautiful lake is quite deep.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Is It Harvest Time?

The grapes where we live are ripening quickly and they are delicious.  We have been eating as many as we can, making juice and syrup, but the grapevines are bearing far more grapes than we can use. We thank God for the abundance and we are sending out the word to our church family to come and harvest what they wish so nothing goes to waste.
That reminds us of the words of Jesus in Luke 10:2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."  As we look around Gherla and Romania we see that their are many, many people who are in need of the Savior, far more people than we and those we are working with can handle.  So we are asking the Lord to send out workers into this great harvest who are prepared for the work by being full of the Holy Spirit and the love of the Lord.  Will you pray with us?  And as you pray, look around.  The harvest is ripe everywhere.  Pray for the Lord to send out workers in his harvest and be willing to be one of those workers if God calls on you.
Anyone want some grapes?

Monday, September 2, 2019

Another Sunday Morning Wedding

A week ago Sunday there was wedding at church. And a baptism.  And a child dedication. What a joyful day it was!
Pastor Simi talking about baptism before Mike and Claudia are baptized.
The couple dedicating their children to the Lord.
Mike preaching the wedding message.  Kristina is interpreting for him.
Mike and Claudia live in Germany and were married in a civil ceremony earlier this year, but Claudia wanted a church wedding, too.  Mike is German but Claudia is Romanian and so they came back to Romania to be married where her family could participate in the event.  Claudia also wanted to be baptized and Saturday night Mike decided to be baptized, too.  As long as they were doing all this, they decided to dedicate their children to the Lord as well.
All this made the order of service very full but very beautiful.  Mike preached a short message from Eph. 5: 22-33 comparing marriage to the believer's relationship to Christ.
Following the service the two of us were invited to the wedding meal where we were honored to sit at the head table.  The groom, Mike, speaks fluent English but little Romanian so he invited Mike to sit with him so they could talk during the event.
We are learning a great deal about Romanian customs and are enjoying sharing our faith in this new setting.