Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, March 26, 2018


Saturday we were able to watch part of a disznótor, a pig butchering.  The Open Bible Church in Debrecen hired a butcher to come to the pastor's home and butcher a pig for the church's needs.

 The butcher directed the work and several people from the church helped with the necessary cooking, fat rendering, sausage making and such.  It was fascinating to watch and all the church members will enjoy eating the products at future church dinners.
Also last week, on Friday, was an important Inste board meeting.  Tammy Swailes, the director of Inste in Europe, came from Ukraine for the meeting also.  Many steps were taken toward the nationalization of Inste in Hungary.  We thank each of the board members for their work and we praise God for the progress.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Sándor, József, Benedek

Sándor, József, Benedek
zsákban hoznak meleget

This is a traditional Hungarian saying that translates:  "Alexander, Joseph and Benedick bring the warmth in a sack."  That is, on March 18, the name day for all Alexanders, Josephs and Benedicks, the weather is warm.  That is, according to old traditions, by the middle of March, the days are longer, the weather is warmer and spring has begun.

Not so this year!  We had wonderful weather last week with highs in the 50's, but over the weekend it got colder and Saturday night a snowstorm came through.  The picture above is of the tulips in the garden.  The poor plants should survive, but they are covered with snow.

Yesterday at church, the pastor who lead the service denied any responsibility for the unseasonal snow and cold.  His name, by the way, is Sándor.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Election Season

It is election season in Hungary.  We are not Hungarian citizens, so we cannot vote in the election, but it is very interesting to observe many similarities and differences compared to American elections.

Just like in America, there are many candidates running who want to be sure to get their messages out.  Our mailbox is filled with flyers, there are signs along the streets and everyone is talking about their favorite party or candidate.  There are many news reports that are slanted toward one candidate or the other and we also hear of "fake news" about candidates.  Many controversial issues are being discussed and debated.  Yes, it's election season.

There are many differences, too.  Hungary has a parliamentary system, which means there are many parties running candidates for the various seats in Parliament.  The party that wins the most seats chooses the leader of their party to be prime minister.  Another difference is the length of the election campaign.  Here it is only two months, and every candidate must get their name and message out during that time.  Election day is on a Sunday, this year on April 8. 

We are very thankful that Hungary has a stable government and that even though the election is being fiercely fought, we fully expect a smooth transition to the new government.  Please pray with us for God's will to be done in the Hungarian election and that God will be first in this country--and in the United States, too!