Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Day 2017

This Christmas Day was a beautiful one here in Debrecen, Hungary.  The temperature reached 48 degrees Fahrenheit, so the snow we got last week is long gone, but it was a lovely, quiet and peaceful day.

This evening we gathered with our church family at the Open Bible Church for the traditional Christmas church service and children's program.  The children were cute as usual and did a wonderful job with their skit, songs, and poems.
 Pastor Robi spoke from 1 John about the love of God shown through Jesus Christ.  We noticed after the service that there was a family with four generations present in the service.  Grandma Juliska, on the left, is 92 and her daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter were all together celebrating the birth of Jesus.
 We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Ibrány Visit

 Sunday we delivered some Inste books to a new group that will be starting to study soon in the village of Ibrány.  Sunday was their children's Christmas program which we are always delighted to see.  Mara Toth (above, an Inste Level 1 graduate) directed the program.
 The program began with each of the children saying a prayer.
 Then each of them quoted a Bible verse.

The teenagers performed a couple of skits, one of which included asking adults in the congregation to give a short testimony, Bible verse, or what Jesus means to them.
 They finished the program with songs led by Pastor Palko Toth.
Of course, there is always a cute little one in the front of the choir.
The part Nancy enjoyed most was when Mike gave a short devotion all in Hungarian.  He prepared ahead of time and read a little bit of it, but only a small part.  His message was very well received.    We look forward to more good things coming out of Ibrány.  God bless you, Ibrány friends!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Hungarian Inste Director Selected

The Hungarian INSTE board met last Friday, December 8, and selected a new INSTE director for Hungary. It was a unanimous decision and we believe he will do a good job of leading INSTE to the next level in Hungary. More information about the new director will come later. Please pray. The work now begins in training the new director. Pray that all goes well for a smooth transition.

INSTE board

Monday, December 4, 2017

Youth Conference 2017

This weekend Mike was one of the speakers at the Open Bible Youth Conference here in Debrecen.
 The theme was "Back to the Future" and emphasized the condition of people in the Garden of Eden, in the present and after the return of Jesus.  The young people really enjoyed the conference and responded well. 
 Youth attended from each of the five Open Bible Churches and from other churches also. 
It is always a privilege to participate in ministering to people.  May the Lord bring much lasting fruit from this weekend.