Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Family Vacation

Boy, are we jetlagged!  But it sure was worth it.

We took two weeks vacation and flew to the US (thank you Gary and Carolyn for your frequent flyer miles!).  First, in Des Moines we took care of a little business including renewing our Iowa driver's licenses, and had a fun evening with Nancy's family who live in the Des Moines area.
Three of Nancy's sisters, two nieces and two great nieces

Then we drove to Rapid City, visited Open Bible Christian Center Sunday morning, and had lunch with Anna and Ketura who will be visiting us in Hungary next month.

Monday we bought food and went to the vacation home we rented near Custer, SD and waited for the family to gather.  It was so exciting to give hugs to each son, daughter-in-law and grandchild.  Paul and family drove from Minnesota, Mark and family from Montana, and Matt and family from Michigan (a three-day drive each way with a 5-month-old).
The Black Hills are gorgeous!

Nancy hugging all her boys
We spent the next three days touring the Black Hills squeezed into Paul's and Mark's minivans.  All 14 of us just fit in them.  We visited the Mammoth Site in Hot Springs, the guys hiked up to the Custer sign, we hiked around Sylvan Lake, visited Mount Rushmore, and saw Reptile Gardens. We caught some mice, ate a picnic lunch in 40-degree weather, adjusted plans due to fog and celebrated a birthday. But mostly we ate, talked, laughed, prayed and enjoyed being with each other.
Kids squeezed into Mark's van

Climbing rocks at Sylvan Lake

Noah loved the tortoises at Reptile Gardens

Our only group picture - at Mount Rushmore

Everyone got to meet Lucy, the newest Juntunen
Our family is spread out over three states and two countries, but we are so thankful to the Lord when we all can be together. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Vacation with Family

Nancy and three of her sisters (on the couch), two of her nieces (on floor, center) and two great-nieces (on floor outside)
We landed in Des Moines, Iowa, on Wednesday for two weeks of vacation in the US.  The first two days we handled some business including getting our Iowa driver's licenses renewed.  But we had time to get together with some of Nancy's family from the Des Moines area.  We enjoyed some good food and a great time of hugs and catching up.  Next up is a trip to South Dakota for a few days to be with all three of our sons and their families.  God is good!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Kids' Program at Life Church

Kids are the same the world over.  Yesterday we were at Élet Gyülekezet (Life Church) where Mike preached.  Sunday happened to be the start of their children's program year and several children were given certificates and gifts as they were promoted from the younger class to the older class.  The children then performed two songs they had learned.  It was a joy to hear them sing and dance so well, even the little ones. 
The two littlest ones, both children of worship team members, stole the show, though with their cuteness.  Isn't that the same everywhere?  May the Lord bless these children, their families and their church and may they all grow to love and serve Him with all their hearts.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

First Day of School

These ovoda (kindergarten) children were at recess, talking through the fence with a delivery man when Nancy walked by.
Today is September 1, the first day of school in Hungary.  All the children from 3 years old through high school begin their school year today with opening ceremonies and the excitement of a new year.  University students will return to classes the middle of the month.

Our INSTE classes, however, may start any time a group is formed.  The INSTE group Nancy is leading, for example, started in July at the request of one of the students who is a university student.  He wanted to be able to finish the first course before he faces his busiest time at the university.  We are thankful that INSTE can be so flexible, the groups meeting when and where is best for that particular group of students.  We especially thank God for the fact that disciples of Jesus are being made in Hungary.

To all you students out there, no matter what school you attend, have a wonderful year!