Last Sunday Pastor Róbert's sermon was about patience. I (Nancy) sure needed that. If it were up to me, I would have had INSTE in every church in Hungary by now and a Level Two graduation already done. But, that's not how God does things. His timing is perfect, but not on our schedule. He sent His promised Son Jesus thousands of years after He first promised his birth, but just at the right time. And He will send Christ back as promised, but we must be patient as we wait for His return.
So, I must also be patient with INSTE and notice the ways God is already working. Three new groups will be starting soon and the Level 2 pilot group will be starting their second semester in January. Translation of the Level 2 books is making good progress. We continue to hear testimonies of how God is changing lives as students study God's Word. It is all good news. I am telling myself, "Nancy, be patient. God is at work."