Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Élet 20th Anniversary Celebration

We enjoyed attending the 20th anniversary celebration of Élet Gyülekezet (Life Church) here in Debrecen on Saturday.  We prayed together, worshiped together, and heard some good preaching.  Plus, the church fed each of the several hundred people present so we could all stay for testimonies and greetings in the afternoon.  We heard how the church began in a series of tent meeting services just across from the restaurant where the celebration was held.  And we heard how a young Joseph Kiss and his wife Bobbi became the first pastors.  We saw pictures of the beginnings of the church and sang some of the songs they sang then.  Many people brought greetings including two by video from the US.  We were able to talk with many friends from the church and the wider church community including several pastors who are using or will soon be using INSTE.
Even the littlest ones joined in worship
How good it was to see what God has done and is doing through Élet Church.  And we pray for many more years of fruitful ministry in God's Kingdom.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Visit to Ibrány

Sunday morning we enjoyed the worship service at the Open Bible Church in Debrecen.  Following the service, Mike talked with Pastor Misi and Sándor, one of the church leaders, about some INSTE business.
Mike doing INSTE business
Then we went to McDonald's for lunch with Misha, our interpreter, his wife Alexa and their three children.  After we ate, we had a good time visiting while the children played.  Then we stole Misha away from his family and headed to Ibrány.  Along the way, we drove through a strong rain storm, but made it safely and on time for the service.

Mike and Misha ministering to the congregation in Ibrány

We had not visited the church in Ibrány since our return from the US, so we were very happy to see everyone again.  Mike (and Misha) preached about every believer being a minister in the church. Many people came forward for prayer afterwards.  As always, we were blessed with a delicious meal following the service.  On the way home, we again drove through driving rain, but when we got close to Debrecen, the rain suddenly stopped.

Days like these are long and we are tired when we return home, but we praise God for being a part of His wonderful family.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Value God's Word

Sunday morning Mike preached at Shalom Open Bible Church in Debrecen on Valuing God's Word.  A video of his sermon was uploaded to the internet and you can watch it here.  Our friend Misha translated for Mike.  Even if you just listen to a few minutes, it will give you an idea of how Hungarian sounds.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Back to School

Today, September 1, may be a holiday in the US, but here in Hungary it is the first day of school.  All children begin preschool at age three and continue through high school.  Education is highly valued by Hungarians and many students go on to university, too. 

So, yesterday in church we prayed for the children and young people heading back to school.  May the Lord bless these students with bright minds, healthy bodies and discernment to know the truth.