Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Working on Staying Healthy

Much of our work here in Hungary includes sitting and eating.  We sit to do administrative work in the INSTE office. We sit in the car when we travel to visit churches. We sit to talk with pastors and others about INSTE.  And we invite others or are invited to have coffee (with cake) and delicious meals with the people we talk with.  Sitting around a table eating is great for fellowship and sharing what God is doing through INSTE, but it is not good for our waistlines or our health.  So, we make an effort to exercise most days and to eat healthy food as often as we can.  Some of our exercise includes walking to church and to stores close by.  But one of Nancy's favorite places to walk is the park pictured above that is about a 10-minute walk from our home.

We want to do what we can to stay as healthy as possible as long as possible so that we can continue to be available for God to work through us.  What do you do to stay healthy?

Friday, August 8, 2014

Youth Camp

Today we drove to Tokaj, Hungary, to speak during the morning worship time at the Open Bible Youth Camp.  The theme for this year -- Bible is Truth.  Our assignment was to speak on "The Bible is True and Anything that Contradicts the Bible is False."  Mike and Nancy each took about half an hour to share.

The best part of the day was worshiping with the young people.  The worship was led by the youth from the Debrecen Open Bible Church and the other youth joined in enthusiastically.

We were able to talk with several young people following the session.  Almost 30 were present along with several adult leaders.  It was a privilege to participate again in youth camp.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fruit Soup!

One of our favorite treats in summer is cold fruit soup.  We tried this soup made with tropical fruit at a new restaurant today.  It was so yummy!  Love having dessert first!