We like to stay positive when we report what is going on in our lives and with INSTE. Life does not always go as planned, though. This week we've encountered some challenges with a couple of the INSTE groups. These challenges require us to go to God in prayer, asking for his wisdom and direction and for favor with others.
Mike was scheduled to preach Sunday afternoon at a church about two hours away, close to the Ukrainian boarder. There was going to be time to talk with the pastor and other interested people about INSTE after the service. Saturday evening, however, we received a series of phone calls. Apparently, they were having difficulty finding an interpreter. Ultimately, everything had to be postponed for a couple of weeks.
We are not discouraged. We know that everything is going according to God's plan even if it isn't going according to ours. We share this to remind you that we need your prayers, but also to encourage you. If things are not going according your plan, check to make sure you are following God closely and then rely totally on Him. That's what we're doing.