We have just one more church to visit (Open Bible Church in Boone, IA) on Sunday morning before we head back to Hungary on Wednesday. It has been a wonderful itineration for us. Last Sunday we were in both Freeport, IL and Eldridge, IA. Then last Wednesday we visited the Open Bible church in Mount Pleasant, IA.
God has truly been with us and has blessed us these last several months in the US. We have had safe travel the entire time with no accidents. We had a few mechanical problems, but not one of them happened on days we had meetings scheduled. That is truly amazing considering that we put tens of thousands of miles on the car. The weather cooperated for the most part and we never missed a service due to bad weather. We are thankful for the congregation in Midland, South Dakota, who shifted our visit from Sunday morning to Sunday evening when we couldn't make it from Rapid City in time because we were snowed in.
We have especially enjoyed worshiping with brothers and sisters in Christ in more than 50 churches. God's Spirit is present in churches all over the country. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of God's people everywhere we go and are happy to report that our needs have been met and many promises have been made to continue monthly support. Plus, we have been humbled by the creative and generous ways we have been honored and the cheerful hospitality that has been heaped on us.
Special thanks go to Gary and Carolyn Ostlund who loaned us a smart phone and added us to their company's phone plan at their expense. We are thankful for this vital tool.
More thanks go to Nick and Leona Venditti who loaned us their car (with INSTE license plates) the entire time of itineration. And besides that, they let us live in their home when we were not on the road. Housing and transportation are two more essential provisions for which we are thankful.
Now we are preparing to return to work in Hungary. Thank you, Mountain Plains Region, Southeast Region and Central Region Open Bible for your kindnesses these past few months!