Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Ez az út mindenre vezet.
This post is especially for our Hungarian friends.  The caption on the picture above says "This is the road that leads to everything." 

We get a chuckle every time we drive by the signs for Minden, Iowa and Minden, Nebraska since the word "minden" in Hungarian means "everything" or "all."  Makes you kind of want to drive down that road to see everything.

Rapid City

 Saturday and Sunday we were privileged to be able to share about our ministry in Hungary with the Open Bible Christian Center in Rapid City, South Dakota.  Earlier in the week we were saddened to hear that Pastor Les Potts' mother passed away and that he would not be in the services.  Our sympathies and prayers are with Pastor Les and his family.

Open Bible Christian Center campus

Sunday morning worship service
Pastor Brian McDaniel and his family and Pastor Jowelle Biancardi took very good care of us.  Pastor Brian interviewed us both services.  This was a change from our usual presentations, but we and our ministry were very well received.  We enjoyed visiting with some young people who feel a call to missions and were very interested in what we had to say.

Mike especially had a good time since this church is the church he grew up in.  Many of the people he knew as a child and teenager are still in the church and we were privileged to be able to greet them.

Next Sunday we are scheduled to be at the First Spanish Church of the Open Bible in Hialeah, Florida.  Please pray for us as we are on the road this week.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Custer, SD

L-r, Roger and Lorie Steinhauer, Carol Blaede, Nancy, Mike, Wilma Rhodes
Friday we enjoyed an evening with friends in Custer, South Dakota.  One of our friends, Lorie Steinhauer, learned we would be in the area and arranged for us to have a meeting with many of our other long-time friends and others at the Living Outreach Church.  This church meets in the building where the Open Bible Church met when we pastored there some twenty years ago.  It was such a joy to catch up with so many friends and be able to share about our ministry in Hungary.  Thank you, Lorie and Pastor Joel Ziolkowski, for inviting us!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Colorado Springs

Sister-in-law Dee took Nancy on a walk through Garden of the Gods
We are enjoying a few days in Colorado Springs and are staying with Mike's brother Scott and his wife Dee.  Colorado Springs is as beautiful as we remember, especially with the fall colors.  We were saddened, however, to drive through the area affected by the forest fires the past two summers.  Many homes are being rebuilt, but the effects are still visible throughout the area.  The fires came within blocks of Scott and Dee's home and we thank those who prayed with us for them during that dangerous time.

The area is still recovering from last year's devastating fires.
The Gateway Churches invited us to come speak to them on Wednesday evening. We had a great time with them.  Many of our long-time friends from Colorado Springs were able to come.  Among them were Dick and Ruth Douglas who have had a positive influence in our lives and ministry. Mike worked for Dick in the Regional office during the years we lived in Colorado Springs and Mike took two memorable trips to Africa with Dick.

Dick and Ruth Douglas enjoying desserts at Gateway Church
Friday we head for the Black Hills of South Dakota.  Friday evening we will be speaking to a group of long-time friends in Custer. Saturday and Sunday we will be at the Open Bible Center in Rapid City. We will be going from beautiful Colorado to the beautiful Black Hills.  We are blessed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vermillion and Runzas

Yesterday we were invited to speak at Faith Fellowship Open Bible Church in Vermillion, South Dakota. This is a missions-minded church that reaches out not only internationally but locally.  It was a joy to share with them what God is doing in Hungary.  This was our first time in the lovely town of Vermillion.  The people here are very lovely, too.

Today we left for Colorado Springs and drove through Nebraska.  Along the way, we couldn't resist stopping at a Runza restaurant for lunch. 
 We were introduced to runzas when we lived in Nebraska years ago.  Nancy even made homemade ones a few times.  Runzas are simply ground beef, cabbage, onions and spices baked in bread dough. 
My, those sandwiches tasted good.  Life on the road has its advantages!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


What makes a long trip worth the drive?  Getting to see long-time friends and meeting new ones.  That's what we did last weekend.

On Friday, we said goodbye to our grandchildren, our daughter-in-law and our friends in Billings and drove to Cheyenne, Wyoming.  There we spent the night with our long-time friends Larry and Joyce Jacobsen.   We didn't have enough time to catch up on everything, but we gave it our best shot.  And they showed us their gift of hospitality through good food and a comfortable bed.

Larry & Joyce Jacobsen with Mike

On Saturday, we drove the rest of the way to Omaha, Nebraska.  Sunday morning, we spoke at the Bridge Point Church that meets in the Comfort Inn on 72nd Street.  Our long-time friends Tim and Julie Kelderman are the pastors of this new church.  Julie's parents, Curt and Judy Rieger, are more long-time friends who took a Sunday morning off from their churches and came to visit.  What a wonderful time we had with the Keldermans and their congregation!  It was exciting to be the first missionaries this church plant has ever hosted.  And it was great to be able to make new friends and reminisce with old ones.

Bridge Point Church in Omaha, NE
The Keldermans

Curt & Judy Rieger

Sunday afternoon, we were invited to speak at the Living Faith Church of the Open Bible.  Some more long-time friends, Bill and Wanda Jimenez, pastor this church.  We were welcomed with a delicious supper (Open Bible churches have the best cooks anywhere) and lots of questions about our ministry.  We share a special bond with Pastor Bill and Wanda since they are former Open Bible missionaries and understand the missionary life.
Living Faith Church of the Open Bible in Omaha, NE

Long-time friends.  There's nothing better.  God bless them all.

Friday, October 11, 2013


We had a double blessing in the Billings, Montana area.  We were able to spend time with our daughter-in-law Nadine and three of our grandchildren.  They kept us very busy, the best part being their hugs and kisses.

Nancy sharing her testimony at the Wednesday evening service

The other blessing was being able to speak to the folks at the Open Bible Christian Center in Billings.  Tuesday night Mike shared at the Celebrate Recovery group and Wednesday evening we shared with the adults and teenagers.  This church has supported us in prayer and finances from the beginning of our missionary adventures.  It was a privilege to be with them and report what God has been doing in Hungary.  And the food (including Indian fry bread) was good, too!

Thanks, Pastor Ron and Beth and Billings friends!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Blizzard

We had a wonderful time being with the Mountain Plains pastors and leaders at the Minister's R and R in Hill City, South Dakota.  We enjoyed worshipping, learning, eating and playing together.  The weather was beautiful and the Black Hills were stunning.  We decided to stay one more night in the hotel after the retreat ended.  That's when our adventure began.

We awoke on Friday morning to about a foot of wet, slushy snow in Hill City.  After discussing the situation with the hotel clerk and other guests, we decided the roads would probably be safe enough to drive on to our next stop, Midland, South Dakota.  The road to Rapid City was plowed, but the snow was coming down steadily, so the driving was slow.  On the way, we talked by phone to Andy Blye, the pastor at Midland, who told us that the weather was fine where they were and that we could probably make it all the way to Midland without any trouble.  By the time we got into Rapid City, however, we decided that it would not be wise to continue and that staying in a comfortable hotel overnight would be a nice way to spend some of the tax refund we had just received.

Driving from Hill City to Rapid City

By the time we picked up a winter coat for Nancy and a couple of other items at the store, the storm was in full force.  We made a wrong turn and missed our hotel because it was snowing and blowing so hard we couldn't see the sign. We had to use the GPS to find the hotel, but soon after we checked in, the electricity went out and we were without heat, hot water and lights for almost two days.  The cold wind blew through the heater in the wall, so the hotel gave us a blanket to cover the heater to keep the cold out.  We ate some snacks we had purchased for our supper, dressed warmly and went to bed in the dark. All night we could hear the strong winds beating the hotel.  The wind and snow stopped the next day, but we were snowed in.  The cars were buried in parking lot and a six-foot drift blocked the driveway.  The hotel loaned out the only two shovels it had, but both of them broke in the heavy snow.
The path made through a drift behind the hotel
We were able to talk to Pastor Andy in Midland.  Even though they only had rain there, he knew we probably would not be able to make it to the church by Sunday morning.  He offered to call everyone in the church and reschedule the service for Sunday evening.  May God bless them for their flexibility.

The restaurant connected to the hotel had gas ovens and served complimentary quesadillas for lunch and pizza for supper to all the snowed-in guests.  Two Bobcats worked as fast as they could in the parking lot to open the drives and free the cars.  The guests not trying to shovel out their cars spent a lot of time in the waterpark (closed since there was no electricity) since it was reasonably warm there, much warmer than the rest of the hotel.  Finally, the electricity came on about 10 pm on Saturday.
Mike (center) shoveling with a trash can

Sunday, however, we were still snowed in.  Even though Mike was able to free our car by shoveling with a waste basket and the Bobcat opened the drive behind the car, I-90, the road to Midland, was still closed.  We were told it would be open at noon, so we checked out about 11 and went into Rapid City for some lunch. All of Rapid City was trying to dig out.  Most of the streets that were plowed had only one lane open, so going was slow. The only place we found open was WalMart, so we bought some lunch there and then set out about noon for Midland.  We got just outside of Rapid City and were turned back by the highway patrol, who said the road would still be closed for another two hours or so.  We waited again and were finally able to arrive in Midland later that afternoon.  Although the highway was clear, we saw cars and trucks that had gone off the road in the snow and cattle that had died in the storm.

Sunday evening the gracious people of Midland welcomed us with a delicious potluck supper and listened to us talk about Hungary.

Monday morning we left for Billings, Montana, driving through Rapid City on the way.  They were still digging out with drifts and piles of snow everywhere, but the temperatures were mild and the sun was shining.  This experience with winter in South Dakota in October will make us appreciate itineration in Florida in November even more.

Friday, October 4, 2013


Last Sunday we visited Bismarck, North Dakota, and spoke at the Prairie Family Church.  The drive from western South Dakota through western North Dakota was beautiful--wide open spaces, ranches, oil fields, rolling hills and buttes.
 We were welcomed by Pastors Greg and Debbie Carr and their congregation.  The entire congregation, including the children listened intently to our presentation about Hungary and INSTE and asked some good questions.  Afterward they filled us full of delicious food at a potluck and asked even more questions.  We had a wonderful time.

Later that evening we stopped by their INSTE class meeting unannounced.  We were pleased to see them fully engaged in studying the New Testament.  One student, who had studied the first three books with the group, had moved across the state, but they found a way to allow him to continue to study with them and finish First Level--he joined them by internet!  Way to think out of the box, Bismarck!