Year in Review
INSTE has had an amazing year. Five (almost six) Level Two books have been translated. In October we were able to get the translation team together to meet each other for the first time. We had a fun time getting to know one another better. We were also able to train several new INSTE leaders which resulted in the current seven Level One INSTE groups now studying with about 50 students. There are plans in the works for more groups beginning in January. INSTE was unsuccessful in arranging to receive official papers as a foundation, but work began in September on securing papers for an INSTE association. That work continues.
We made several trips this year. The saddest was going back to the US for two weeks in February for Mike's dad's funeral. Although we knew it would come sometime, we were sad to see him go. But, all of Mike's brothers and their wives were able to be together for the first time in many years. We were also able to take two quick vacations, one to Finland for three days and another of the same length to Croatia. We want to take advantage of living in Europe by visiting as many places as possible as time and money allow. We traveled almost monthly in the winter and spring to Gherla, Romania to minister in the church there during their transition between pastors.
Our biggest health challenge this year was Mike's bout with shingles. He toughed out the pain for two months, something no one should have to go through. We'll be looking into getting the shingles vaccine next time we're in the States.
We had some welcome visitors this year. Vince McCarty, Open Bible International Ministries Director, arrived in September. We were able to accompany him to Romania to work with the church in Gherla. He also met with and ministered to the church leaders here in Hungary and in Ukraine while he was here. In October, Karl and Francis Dyrie of Fort Myers, Florida, came and ministered at the INSTE Leadership Conference. We had a wonderful time together with them and their ministry was powerfully effective.
Our biggest challenge at home this year was having the gas turned off. When we arrived back with Vince from Romania in September, we discovered that the gas had been shut off to our entire building. We had no central heat, hot water, or gas for cooking for eight weeks while work on the gas pipes was being done! We got daily practice in learning not to complain and in being thankful for what we did have.
All year we have seen God working in our personal lives and in the lives of many of those around us. The Open Bible Churches here in Hungary saw God's power at work. We either witnessed or heard first-hand accounts of over 90 people being baptised and many, many people being saved, healed, filled with the Holy Spirit and growing in their faith. All the Hungarian evangelical churches seem to be giving more emphasis to prayer and seeking God. This year has brought changes in the legal status of most of the smaller denominations, but that has not stopped God from working in the country.
We thank God for his presence and power with us in 2012. It has been an eventful year and we look forward to what God has for us in 2013.