Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Dedicated INSTE Students

Most INSTE groups take a break from meeting when summer comes around.  Not this INSTE group in Ibrány!  When they finished the first book, they couldn't wait to get started on the second one.  Kati, the group leader (on the right in the picture) told us that the two weeks between the final for the first book and the start of the second book seemed very long.  The students really missed meeting during that time and were excited to get together again.  That's fun to hear!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Jesus Festival 2012

In the center, you can see a man conducting a sound test before the music began.
We enjoyed participating in Jesus Festival 2012 in Debrecen. Our assignment was to intercede in prayer before and during the event.  It seemed such a small part to play, but God answered our prayers and the prayers of the many others who prayed. 
One urgent prayer was for the permit for the event to be received from the city government.  The application had been made a month earlier, in plenty of time, but those responsible to sign the document were reluctant to do so.  Finally, about half an hour before the offices closed on the day before the event, the proper signatures were obtained.  Praise the Lord.
Another prayer was for good weather.  The forecast early in the week had been for rain on Friday and Saturday, the two days of the festival.  As we prayed, we saw the forecast changed to rain on Saturday only, and then to Sunday only.  Friday and Saturday were perfect, with comfortable temperatures and fair skies.  The needed rain came on Sunday.  Praise the Lord!
Friday evening, Allen Buchanek from Texas, gave a moving testimony.
 We prayed for the speakers, musicians and others who ministered.  The Friday evening speaker was from Texas, but all the other speakers, musicians and other workers were from the six local churches that participated. God ministered through each one in marvelous ways.  Praise the Lord!
Part of the crowd that listened
 We especially prayed that many would give their lives to Jesus Christ. Dozens responded to the invitations at the end of the preaching!  But that is not all.  The evening before the festival, one lady, who was part of the group who walked through the square praying for the meetings, was able to lead another lady to Christ right then.  And yesterday, a testimony was given in church from a member who was unable to attend the services because she was working downtown.  She told of how a lady who worked in a store on the square gave her a ride home and wanted to know more about God.  She had clearly heard the music and the gospel while she worked!  Praise God!
The square is not only beautiful, but the acoustics were such that the music and preaching could be clearly heard everywhere
We thank the Lord for the many answers to prayer for the Jesus Festival.  God is good!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Marigold Surprise

 Earlier this year, I (Nancy) was very excited about planting a garden.  I had visions of eating vegetables straight from our little plot and dreamed of the garden filled with beautiful flowers.  With the help of a friend, I bought seeds and tools and dirt to enrich the sandy soil. Mike helped me prepare the ground and I planted lots of seeds.  Even with some good rain, though, only some radishes, a little lettuce and a few flowers came up.  We had a few bites from the radishes and lettuce.  We enjoyed a flower or two in the garden.  Then a massive heatwave hit and the sun baked everything left.  Even the weeds stopped growing.  When Mike mentioned that we could try again next year and that we had learned a lot from this year, I wasn't so sure.
Imagine my surprise, though, when I was in the yard hanging out the laundry and saw some color from the garden.  I walked over to look and saw several tiny marigolds blooming under the shade of the lilac bush!  I had even forgotten what I had sowed there, and here they were blooming!
The spiritual application was hard to miss.  Sometimes we work very hard and dream of wonderful results from planting God's seed (His Word) into the lives of people.  Time passes and we see very little of the positive impact we wanted to have.  Times are hard and we want to give up when suddenly, God shows us how he has changed people's lives.  It is so awesome!
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."  1 Corinthians 15:58

Monday, July 16, 2012

Evangelism in Ibrány

 Yesterday we decided to drive to Ibrány to deliver INSTE books their group had ordered for the next semester.  Mike also wanted to talk with the leader about a couple of things.  It had been some time since we had visited them, so we took the opportunity to drop by for a service.  We arrived about five minutes before starting time, but there was no one at the church.  We waited for a while, talked to a couple of neighbors who seemed to know as little as we did, and then waited a little longer.  We called, but no one answered their phone.  Finally, we went to the pastor's house and were able to talk with a young lady there who told us the service was being held in the Gypsy section of town, not far away.  We were half an hour late, but were so glad we made it.
 This was the church's first outdoor service.  It had rained most of the morning, but when time for the afternoon service arrived, it was dry.  They set up in the yard of a church member.  Many of the neighbors watched and listened from a distance.  Three short, powerful messages were preached and worship music was sung.

Toward the end of the service, the skies darkened and it started to sprinkle.  The sound equipment was covered with blankets so it wouldn't get wet and all of the believers prayed that it wouldn't rain.  It sprinkled some, but the rain held off.  An invitation was given for anyone who wanted prayer to come forward.  Several were prayed for and one person accepted Christ as her Savior. 

Even the children paid attention and worshiped during the singing. 
This was the first time the Ibrány Open Bible Church has held their service away from their building.  They fought spiritual opposition, but God rewarded their efforts.  Please pray for them.  They are planning another service at another home in two weeks.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Visit with Tammy

We are enjoying a nice visit with Tammy Swailes, missionary to Eastern Europe (Ukraine) and Regional Director for INSTE in Europe.  Right now we are all sitting in our living room, working on our laptops and making comments on what we are doing.  That is so very nice. 
Very soon, Tammy will leave to make the one-hour drive to Oradea, Romania where she is training the new Romanian INSTE director there.  This was the purpose of her trip and she met with the young man yesterday as well.  But, we are happy to have her in our home for three evenings and enjoy her company, encouragement and advice.  Besides, last night she took us to the Japanese restaurant in town for a business dinner.  Yumm!  Thanks, Tammy!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Interpreter's School

Mike talking with some of the students after his sermon
 Tuesday we helped at the Interpreter's School here in Debrecen.  This one-week course is directed by Eva, one of the translators of the Level 2 INSTE books.  Students came from all over Hungary to learn how to interpret for English-speakers in churches.  Klari, the editor of the Level 2 INSTE books (on the left in the picture above), came all the way across the country to attend.  We had a great time sharing a testimony, Bible study and sermon to give the students a chance to practice what they are learning.  We hope the students had a good time, too!

Nancy sharing a Bible study with students practicing translating simultaneously