I, Nancy, have a pet peeve. I can't stand it when people treat us as if we were some kind of "super Christians" or extraordinary saints just because we are missionaries. Look, we're no different from any other Christian. We have good days and bad days, days when we really trust God and days we worry. The things we do are just another expression of what other Christians do.
Someone may say, but you have to trust God for money to live on through the donations of other people. True, but how is that different from the believer who, even though her workplace does not allow discussion of religion, talks to her co-workers or even her supervisor about Jesus and what He has done in her life. She is risking her job and the money she needs to live on to be obedient to what God has asked her to do.
Another person says, but you gave up your home and possessions here in the US to move to another country. True, but how is that different from the pastor who sells everything possible and moves his family into a small apartment because he took a pay cut from the church he serves. He doesn't leave the church because of a financial downturn, he stays, knowing God has called him there.
Others say, I couldn't learn as hard a language as Hungarian like you are doing. Maybe, but how is that different from the youth leader who has to learn the new "language" of the youth he ministers to--and it changes constantly! He doesn't give up and lose touch with those he has been called by God to lead, he works hard at being able to continue to communicate with them.
Yes, we are missionaries and we love the Hungarians God allows us to work with. But we are no different than every believer who obeys God and depends totally on the Holy Spirit for the power and anointing to make disciples of those around them. We are only doing what God has asked us to do. And we are thrilled to be able to be a small part of God's Army that is going into all the world.