It snowed in Debrecen today. And snowed and snowed and snowed. It would have been a lovely day to stay at home, studying from my Hungarian books and catching up on work. However, I (Nancy) went out into the slushy mess. First I went to city hall to try to get a Hungarian driver's license. My current international license is still good for some time, but I knew I had better get an early start on getting a new one. Good idea. I thought I had everything I needed, but when I was called to the window, I was told that the translation I had of my American license was not good enough. I had to have an "official" translation, not the one I had from the university. The lady said some other things, too, that I didn't quite understand, but I did understand the name of the street where I needed to go to get another translation made. I went home and looked up a translator's office on the street she gave me.
After lunch I went to McDonald's and I met with Katalin, one of our instructors from our last language course. Kata is moving to Budapest tomorrow and we wanted to touch base with one another before she left. She was happy to hear that Mike will be preaching in Budapest later this month and will try to come hear him then. We drank our cokes, talking for about an hour and had a wonderful time together. We could have talked longer, but I needed to get going for two reasons. One, I wanted to try to find the translation office before it closed and two, my brain freezes after about an hour of Hungarian conversation!
After a short tram ride and a wet, slushy walk, I found the street and the number of the place where the translator's office was supposed to be. I couldn't find the office, though. After trudging around in the soupy mess on the sidewalks, I decided to try calling them later after I got out of the snow.
On the way back on the tram, I ran into two Korean girls who are part of the Hungarian conversation club we meet with once a week. We talked in Hungarian for a little bit until we came to my stop.
I got off the tram and decided that since I was wet and cold already, I would walk the couple of blocks to the pharmacy before I went home. I showed the pharmacist an empty bottle of the nose spray that I wanted and she said they were out of that kind. (In Hungary, even "over the counter" pharmacy products are "behind the counter" and you have to ask for them.) She showed me a shelf with about five different nose sprays and then recommended one she had in the back. I couldn't tell the difference, so I took the one she suggested. (This was, again, all in Hungarian.)
I got home all wet and cold, but pretty happy that I had stumbled through in Hungarian all day long.
It's evening now and still snowing. I am enjoying the snow much more from my window than I did from being out in it! Oops! I forgot to call the translator's office. That will have to wait until Monday, I guess.