What a wonderful week we have had! Thank the Lord! And thank you for your prayers. It will take a few days and a few posts to let you know all the news from Nancy's trip to the INSTE graduation in Ukraine and Mike's participation in the 20th anniversary celebration of Shalom Open Bible Church here in Debrecen.
The picture above is of Olexandr and Olga Rudynets, Ukraine Field Directors and pastors of the Open Bible Church in Lutsk. This picture was taken at the INSTE graduation. But first let me (Nancy) tell you about my trip back to Hungary from Ukraine. I had a long wait in the airport for my flight and had been walking around and standing for a while when I started to look for a place to sit down. It appeared all the places were taken, but I finally found an empty seat next to a nice-looking lady. Using my best international hand gestures, I asked if I could sit in the seat beside her. She quickly nodded her head and while making room for me, started chatting in Russian. I said I didn't speak Russian, but she let me sit there anyway. A few moments later, a gentleman appeared who was most likely her husband and I had obviously taken his seat! He motioned for me to remain seated and asked, "English?" I said yes and he said he knew a few English words. With his few English words and a lot of gesturing, pictures and smiling, I discovered that they were from Lutsk and were traveling to Washington, DC to visit their daughter and son-in-law. I think the daughter is having a baby soon. I showed them pictures of my family who live in the US and told them I and my husband live in Hungary. When I showed them the picture of our family taken at our son's wedding, they noticed the cross in the background and asked if I was Catholic. I said no, I am Protestant. They said they were, too. By this time, I guessed that maybe they were Christians. Just a little later, the lady started rummaging though her suitcase, took something out, and wrote something on a piece of paper. Then she handed me a beautifully embroidered napkin with "Ukraine" on it and said, "present." The piece of paper gave me her daughter's phone number in the US and a few words about her business of selling Ukrainian souvenirs. I got out my wallet, but she wouldn't accept any money, but kept saying, "present." So, I thanked her and gave her one of Mike's business cards and wrote our personal email address on the back. A little while later, my new friend started digging through her belongings and looking at the business card. She then got my attention, pointed to the business card and then pulled an INSTE book out of her carry-on bag! My mouth fell open and I was so excited! God had led me to an INSTE student in the Kyiv airport! Actually, we were all excited at that moment. I pointed to "Nick and Leona Venditti" on the front of the book and said, "sister!" Shortly after that, they had to board their plane, but we parted with hugs and blessings. In the midst of it all, I didn't even think to take a picture or get their full names. Oh well, they were my INSTE angels sent from God to remind me that I'm not alone even in foreign airports!