Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Trip to Hortobágy
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Baptism, then School
The meal after the service was wonderful, too! The ladies served us stuffed cabbage. Yumm!
Immediately after lunch we went to the University to register for the summer intensive language course. We took a written and an oral test for placement in the appropriate classes for our current proficiency level. We are both at the intermediate level, but were placed in separate classes.
Classes began Monday, six lessons a day, five days a week, for four weeks. We also receive cultural, phonetic, and history lessons. That makes for very busy, interesting days. That said, time to do homework!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Intensive Course Begins Sunday

Monday, July 14, 2008
When I Grow Up
I, Nancy, have learned a lot in the past six months, especially about kids. Okay, I haven’t been around kids a lot, but my own experience has given me new insight into being a kid trying to grow up.
I understand why toddlers sometimes have temper tantrums. It can be so frustrating to have feelings or needs and not have the words to be able to express them. I, thankfully, have not thrown a temper tantrum, at least not yet, but it sure would have been cathartic to do so a few times.
I understand how sign language can help when you don’t have the ability to use words yet. Our daughter-in-law taught our grandson some sign language for words like ‘drink,’ ‘help’ and ‘thank you.’ That has really helped the little one. We use a lot of sign language, too. When a man stopped me in front of our apartment and asked where the cukrazda was (a favorite Hungarian sweet shop), it was very helpful just to point down the street and say, “I only speak a little Hungarian.” He understood. I felt a little foolish, but I succeeded!
I understand how wonderful it is to have a mom and a dad and grandparents and siblings who take the time to teach you and to explain things over and over. These are the people who listen to your attempts at speaking and clap and smile when you say a word or two. We have been blessed by teachers and many friends who patiently listen to our attempts at language and explain things we don’t understand. They even smile and encourage us when we attempt to speak. A Hungarian grandma would be a nice addition, though.
I understand why little kids like to have the same books read to them over and over. It seems they never tire of Good Night Moon. I like to hear the same things over and over, too. Especially when they contain words I know and understand. And if there are just a few words in them I don’t understand, the repetition helps me learn the new words.
I understand how having a book with words you can read is a treasure. For years I took our boys to the library regularly and helped them to pick out books that were on their reading level. Now I look for books, articles, even advertisements with words I know that I can read. It is so rewarding to find them!
I understand why it is so hard to sit still during the sermon in church and how easy it is to fall asleep. We sit faithfully in Hungarian church services, listening intently to what is being said, but the words are often so big and the phrases are beyond our comprehension. If the room is warm or we are tired, it is so easy to let our minds wander and our eyelids droop.
I understand how terrifying it can be when Mom or Dad has the young one buy his own gum for the first time. Even though you know all the right words to say and have watched others do it countless times, all that goes out of your head when it’s your responsibility to speak to the clerk.
I know how much easier it is to understand Bible stories than lectures with big theological words. I’ll learn those words later, but right now, all I can comprehend is what happened to people in the Bible. But what they did is really cool, even in Hungarian!
And finally, I understand why kids can’t wait to grow up. I used to look at my kids and think, you have it so good, why do you want to grow up? Well, I might have it good now, but I can’t wait until I can grow up and speak Hungarian!