Szeretnél Focizni?
Harom héttel ezelött a barátom a gyülekezetból elhivott engem focizni. Mondtam hogy igen de csak egyszer fociztam életemben. A gyerekkoromban játszottam baseball-t, amerikai futballt, és kosárlabdát, de nem fociztam. Nem tudok cselezni, vezetni vagy fejelni a labdat, igy hátvéd voltam. És egy kis idöt kapus is voltam.
Nem tudtam pontosan, hogy mit kell csinalni, de én jól jatszottam. A barátom mondta, hogy jóbb hátvéd voltam. Izomlázom volt három napig, de jól ereztem magam.
Would you like to play soccer?
Three weeks ago a friend of mine from church invited me to play soccer. I said, "yes," even though I had only played soccer once before. During my childhood days I played baseball, american football, and basketball but not soccer. I did not know how to dribble, drive or head the ball, so I played defender. I was also goalie for a short time.
I was not exactly sure what I was to do, but I played well. My friend even said that I was the best defender. My muscles were sore for three days afterwards, but I had fun.
Nem tudtam pontosan, hogy mit kell csinalni, de én jól jatszottam. A barátom mondta, hogy jóbb hátvéd voltam. Izomlázom volt három napig, de jól ereztem magam.
Would you like to play soccer?
Three weeks ago a friend of mine from church invited me to play soccer. I said, "yes," even though I had only played soccer once before. During my childhood days I played baseball, american football, and basketball but not soccer. I did not know how to dribble, drive or head the ball, so I played defender. I was also goalie for a short time.
I was not exactly sure what I was to do, but I played well. My friend even said that I was the best defender. My muscles were sore for three days afterwards, but I had fun.
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