Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Step by Step

Most work progresses step by step and ours is no exception.  We have been back from our US trip just over a week but are very thankful to see progress.  Each step is small, but the important thing is that it is in the right direction. For example, we have learned of one INSTE group that will be continuing this summer by "going back" to the first book after completing the second book.  These students started with the second book because they wanted to study the same material another group in their church was studying.  As they went through the course, though, they realized they were missing some foundational truths and decided to study Discipleship One before going on. That's progress.

Another example is that a church new to INSTE is closer to starting groups.  Their INSTE group leaders have finished their training and are sending in their tests.  We are working now to connect with them to make sure they are ready to lead their groups and to help them get started.  That's progress.

Still another example is the email we received from one of our translators that she has finished her work on the Level Two book on Hebrews.  That's progress.

Praise the Lord for progress!


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