Happy May Day!
We enjoyed participating in this year's May Day church picnic in the Nagy Erdő (Great Forest). Márika Gulyás with the help of some others including her son Obed (above) cooked pörkölt (Hungarian stew) over an open fire and served it over pasta to everyone present, about 100 people. We enjoyed pickles with it and a wide assortment of desserts that were brought by all the ladies.
There was a time of praise and worship followed by a message by Bodo, one of the men in the church. The children played soccer and other games and the adults rested, visited and enjoyed each other's company.
May 1 is Labor Day in Hungary, a national holiday, so it was a great time to relax and strengthen our relationships with each other. Happy May Day!
There was a time of praise and worship followed by a message by Bodo, one of the men in the church. The children played soccer and other games and the adults rested, visited and enjoyed each other's company.
May 1 is Labor Day in Hungary, a national holiday, so it was a great time to relax and strengthen our relationships with each other. Happy May Day!
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