Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Family Connections

Lisa, Tammy, Nancy

My niece Lisa had been studying this past semester in Spain. Before she headed back home she came to visit us in Hungary this past week. It also happened to be a week when Tammy Swailes was in Debrecen, so we decided that we needed to get together at one of our favorite Hungarian places- McDonald's. We had some INSTE business we needed to discuss before Tammy headed back to Ukraine, but we mainly wanted Tammy to meet Lisa because they both are from Mt. Pleasant, IA.

Since we have come to Hungary, we have come in contact with several people who know people who know us. It just confirms to us, first of all, how small the world is becoming, but also how connected the family of God is. No matter where you go, you will run into a family member somewhere along the way! What joyous experiences they are when that happens!


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