Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Sorry, We're Closed

As a general rule, Romanians receive four weeks of vacation every year and most people take at least some of that time off work during August.  That means that in summer, and especially in August, life changes a bit here.  Attendance at church is unpredictable.  While many regular attendees may be gone on vacation, there are often visitors from out of town or even from out of the country.
August also means that our town of Gherla is a bit quieter and the streets seem to be emptier.  The two of us try to take a date night (or afternoon) once a week.  The last couple of weeks, though, the restaurants we chose were closed for two weeks of vacation!  We also found that a couple of small shops we tried to visit were closed with signs on their doors announcing when they would be back from their summer holidays.
The Hosu family at a conference in May
One good thing about summer vacation is that people seem to be calmer and happier when they return. Our pastors, Simi and Gabi Hosu, however, have felt since they became pastors that they could not be absent from the church over a weekend.   We are very happy that this week they decided that since we are here, they can take a longer vacation and be gone next Sunday, too.  May the Lord bless them and give them much needed rest and relaxation.


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