Mike and Pastor Simi praying over the newlyweds. |
Wedding customs are a bit different in Romania than in the United States, but similar to Hungary's customs. Here few couples have a big church wedding. Instead, they have the mandatory civil ceremony at the court house followed by a big reception at a restaurant or hotel that lasts far into the night or even until morning. Christian couples, however, want the blessing of the Lord on their marriages so a small wedding ceremony is held during a regular Sunday morning service. There is some instruction or encouragement given by the pastor to the couple followed by some questions of commitment to the Lord and to each other. Then a blessing is prayed over the couple.
Such a ceremony was held at the Open Bible Church in Gherla on Sunday morning. Mike was asked to give the charge to the couple and to join Pastor Simi in praying for the them. There will be another wedding during church in late August that we look forward to. How happy we are to participate in the life of the church here. May God bless this lovely couple and their marriage and continue to guide them in His ways.
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