Rosmarie and Heinz Bahren |
This past week we had visitors from Switzerland, Heinz and Rosmarie Bahren. Heinz and Rosmarie served as missionaries for ten years here in Gherla before returning to Switzerland a couple of years ago. We got to know and love them during the time we lived in Hungary since we stayed with them several times when we made frequent trips to Gherla. We are now living in their house in Gherla which is a great blessing to us.
During their visit, they were very busy with many of the friends they had made in Gherla, but we were pleased to able to spend some time with them, too.
Cremes (cream cake) served with watermelon made by Gabi Hosu. It was delicious! Notice the white cake, blue plate and red melon. Red, white and blue for the 4th! |
Thursday was Independence Day in the US, but here in Romania it was just another normal day. Thursday evening at prayer meeting, Mery invited us to her house along with some others to "celebrate the 4th of July." We found out when we arrived at her home that it was also the pastors' wedding anniversary. So we celebrated America's birthday, Simi and Gabi's anniversary and Heinz and Rosmarie's visit.
Gabi, Rosmarie and Nancy hiking up the hill. |
Friday, we joined Rosmarie, Heinz, Simi and Gabi on a hike to the top of a hill that overlooks the city of Gherla.
Praying over the city of Gherla. Photo: Gabi Hosu |
When we reached the top, we spent time praying over the city of Gherla, each of us in our native language--Romanian, German and English. It was well worth the hike to pray together for the city we all love.
On Saturday Heinz and Rosmarie came over and helped us with the garden, giving us many tips on how to take care of it and the house. A seriously split cherry tree was cut down, the grapevines were pruned and other necessary work was completed. Pruning the grapevines helped us understand even better what Jesus said in John 15 about the vine and the branches.
Thank you, Heinz and Rosmarie for your visit and for all you do for us! May God richly bless you!
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