Reflections from Romania

We hope to use this blog to keep you informed with what is happening with our ministry in Romania.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Red Romanian License Plates

Mike replacing Hungarian license plates with temporary Romanian plates
Today we received temporary Romanian license plates for the car.  These plates have red numbers and are good for two months, which allows time to have the car inspected and for Romanian car registration and permanent plates to be issued.  We are making progress.
We had to wait until we received our Romanian residence permits before we could begin work on getting the car registered in Romania.  Pastor Simi and his wife Gabi are helping us get everything done.  The process here is interesting.
There are businesses that specialize in handling the entire registration process including the paperwork, making appointments, taking the car in for the proper inspections, getting temporary insurance, and other things we don't even know about.  Right after we received our residence permits, Simi and Gabi took us to a company they know well. After making arrangements there, we had to go to a notary to have papers drawn up and signed giving the registration company permission to act on our behalf.  We had to go to the notary twice because the first time they would not allow us to sign the papers without an official translator present to make sure we understood what we were signing.
Today we went back to the registration company to pick up the temporary registration, temporary license plates and the interim insurance papers.  The company made an appointment to have our car inspected the end of May, so we will take the car to them the day before the appointment for their agents to take it to the inspection center in Cluj.  We should have the permanent registration and license plates the first of June.
What a blessing it is to have help from our pastors who know what to do and translate for us.  Thanks, Simi and Gabi!


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