Sunday was Easter in Romania. As mentioned in the previous blog, since the vast majority of Romanians are Eastern Othodox, Easter is celebrated according to the Eastern Orthodox calendar.
Last Thursday we celebrated the Last Supper at our church with worship, communion and a foot washing. It was a simple yet very moving commemoration of our Savior's great love for us.
Friday, the two of us decided to attend the Good Friday service at the Greek Catholic Church since we know the priest's wife there and she had invited us to visit sometime. (Yes, Greek Catholic priests, unlike Roman Catholic priests, are free to marry.) Even though we didn't understand everything, it was interesting to listen to the mass chanted in Romanian and watch them go through their ritual. The building is interesting also, new, modern and very beautiful.
Looking up into the dome of the Greek Catholic Church |
Saturday, three of our neighbors gave us colored Easter eggs and special Romanian Easter treats. We were pleased that they shared their delicious traditions with us. Easter is a big holiday in Romania. Good Friday and Easter Monday are both legal holidays and families spend time together enjoying traditional food and being with each other. Most Easter meals include a lamb dish, eggs, and a sweet bread with either a cheese or fruit and nut filling.
Our neighbors gave us (clockwise from upper left) nut and apple-filled bread, chocolate cake topped with cheese cake, cheese-filled bread and colored hard-boiled Easter eggs. |
Pastor's wife Gabi Hosu interpreting for Mike |
Sunday morning was cool and rainy, but attendance was good at church. Earlier in the week, Pastor Simi Hosu had asked Mike to preach, but he came down with a chest-cold on Thursday and by Saturday evening could not speak well at all. God answered our prayers, though, and Sunday morning he was able to preach a strong message with a strong voice.
Today, Easter Monday, the town is quiet as everyone takes a day off. We are still thinking of our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ and the resurrection power he gives to everyone who believes. Happy Easter! Paște fericit!
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