One month from today we fly to Romania to begin our assignment there. We are excited about our new adventure and are eagerly seeking the Lord to direct us and empower us to do what he wants done in and through us.
Last Sunday we spoke at two meetings, Sunday morning at Community Chapel in Des Moines and Sunday evening at Cornerstone Community Church in Albia, Iowa. Both congregations were welcoming and very interested in our work in Eastern Europe.
The Community Chapel congregation was very attentive, including the children. |
The little jar to the left of Mike was used for a coin march. The children put coins in this jar and one dressed as a boy as a fund raiser for missions. |
After the service, there was a delicious potluck lunch.
In Albia, we enjoyed worship |
then, after Mike spoke and they prayed for us, they served a dessert potluck. |
As we near the end of our time in the US, we are enjoying being together with our American brothers and sisters in Christ, looking forward to being with our Romanian brothers and sisters in Christ soon. Everywhere we go, we have family. What a blessing!
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