Visiting churches to share about Hungary and Romania is continuing. Sunday we were invited to be with the folks at the Open Bible Church in Boone, Iowa. The morning service was wonderful and afterwards, several people mentioned that they remember us from when we visited them before. We were pleased that some still had our prayer cards at home.
Mike speaking to the Boone Open Bible Church leaders |
After lunch, we were invited to say a few words at the leadership meeting. Mike did a great job explaining that the leader's first responsibility is to have and maintain his own close relationship with Jesus and then to concentrate on the people they lead.
"Guess Who?" What a fun game! |
But before Mike spoke, Naomi Waldo led a little game to help everyone know us a little better. She read a little-known fact about one or both of us and each person in the group was to hold up the stick indicating which one they believed the fact referred to. It was great fun and we all laughed a lot.
Mike painting the bathroom |
During the week, we painted Nick and Leona Venditti's basement bathroom. They have been so kind to let us stay with them several months and we were happy to be able to do a small favor for them.
Global Missions staff. Left to right: Michelle Wanat, Julie Patten, Vince McCarty with Nancy |
Thursday we took the Global Missions staff out for lunch. We truly appreciate all that Vince McCarty, Michelle Wanat and Julie Patten do for us. They do a great deal of work behind the scenes that allows us to go to and remain on the mission field, such as taking care of all the donations that come into the office and all of the book work that goes with it, handling our mail and multitudes of administrative details, and giving us direction and guidance all along the way.
It takes a lot of people's help for us to be able to minister in Romania. Thank you to everyone who has a part in giving, praying and sending. We appreciate you!
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