Conservatives in Office
The results of the European Parliament elections were surprising to many people. Those elected to office were overwhelmingly conservative and right wing. Even here in Hungary, the voters decided to replace liberal representatives with more conservative ones. It is very interesting, but not knowing much about how the European Parliament works, we don't know how this will impact Hungary or the Continent. We do appreciate your prayers, though, and are looking forward to the perfect government--when Jesus Christ Himself returns and rules and reigns over all the earth!
At June 10, 2009 at 6:16 PM ,
Unknown said...
Great new picture of the Nágy templom! Did Fidesz get in? Orbán Viktór? Just wondering.
At June 10, 2009 at 8:56 PM ,
Mike and Nancy Juntunen said...
Fidesz did sweep the election by quite a large amount. I'm not sure who the candidates were who were running for the EU Parliament from that party, though.
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