Sometimes what happens is good, sometimes what happens is not so good, but we know that all the time, God is good. Last week we had some rough times with minor surgery for Mike and a painful fall for Nancy, but praise God, our experiences are better this week.
Mike returned to the dermatologist's office this morning to have the stitches removed from his arm. The nurse said he is healing well and that other than not overworking his arm, he is under no more restriction. Good news!
My (Nancy's) face is much, much better. I am looking more normal and I even spoke at church on Sunday for a few minutes without frightening any small children. Good news! I am looking forward to my dental appointment this Thursday, praying that the crowns will look good and work well for as long as I need them.
Mike speaking at Sunshine. The bandage on his arm is covering the wound where skin was removed by the dermatologist. |
Sunday was a good news day at Sunshine Open Bible in Des Moines. We received a warm welcome and a generous offering. It was especially dear to me to speak there because Sunshine is where I grew up. As I walked in, memories flooded back--my baptism, being filled with the Holy Spirit, my call into full-time ministry, our wedding, Bible quiz team, Christmas plays and more. I also remembered many adults from Sunshine who were influential in my life who have now gone to be with the Lord. No one could ask for a richer heritage. I thank the Lord for Sunshine Open Bible both past and present.
The awesome people of Sunshine listening to Mike speak. |
We are grateful to God for helping us through some minor troubles the past week and for giving us good news this week. God is good!
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