We enjoyed a late lunch today with our pastor, Misi Gulyás and his son Obed. Obed helped our conversation along by looking up words in his Hungarian/English dictionary on his phone. Marika, Misi's wife has been away from home for some time and we wanted to make sure the bachelors had some good food to eat. Misi's older son, Jethro and his wife Kata became parents just four months ago to twin girls. They live in Kuwait, where Jethro and Kata teach special needs students. Marika was excited to go see the new grandbabies (their first), and left the first part of February to spend three months with them. She has been taking care of the little girls while their parents are at work. According to Misi, she is happy, but a little tired now!
Her taking this trip meant the men would be home alone. Marika is a fabulous cook and left a lot of food prepared ahead of time for them, but according to Misi today, a lot of that food has already disappeared--he looked at Obed when he said this. They have both been cooking some, too, though they really miss Marika's cooking.
We are really blessed to have such great pastors and friends in our home church, the Open Bible Church in Debrecen. They are all very loving, kind and patient with us and help us in many ways. Thank you, Open Bible Friends. We love you!
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