Studying INSTE in Hungarian
We are really enjoying leading a Level One INSTE group in Tomor. But, it's not easy. For one thing, the daily studying takes some time. We end up with books spread all over the place--the INSTE book in Hungarian, a Hungarian-English dictionary to look up words we don't know (a lot of them!), a Hungarian Bible, an English Bible and an English-Hungarian dictionary to find the right words to write our answers.
Then there's the weekly meetings. Mike prepares his questions ahead of time. And we pray a lot! We do our best to help each other say what we need to say, but we are very thankful that the books contain most of the answers to their questions, so we can often just point the students to the right paragraph. Or we can find a Bible verse that sheds light on the matter at hand. The students are quick to help each other and to help us. Many times one or two of them will understand what we are trying to say and will tell the others what we wanted to say. Or they will answer each other's questions.
So that's how we are leading an INSTE group in Hungarian even though we do not speak the language fluently yet. Now you know how better to pray for us. Please do!
At March 22, 2012 at 5:01 PM ,
Unknown said...
Hey there Mike and Nancy!
My name is Taylor, and I am a student at Zoe Bible College. We are currently in a missions class and one of the assignments is to contact a missionary and to ask a few questions. I stumbled upon your blog and I'm really interested in the things you are doing in Hungary. Our group is actually leaving for Romania in just a few days and we will be in Hungary for a short time as well. I would love to hear from you guys and I hope all is well for you.
God bless,
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