Hungarian Car Joys
Thankfully, the car we are using here in the US is back from the shop and running well. Last month, however, we heard from our friend and helper Misha that that our car in Hungary was having troubles. We had left the car covered in the enclosed yard of our apartment building in the hopes that it would be okay for the time we were in the US. However, during a storm in late summer, the cover was blown to shreds. Then, when Tammy Swailes was visiting, she went out to run it for a little while, it wouldn't start. Bless Misha's heart, he was able to get the battery charged and was able to run it for a while. But, he discovered that the unusually humid weather this year had caused some mold on the back seat! Misha was able to get the mold cleaned up. Then he found a large package of the stuff they put in electronic packages to protect them from humidity and placed that in the car. That should keep the humidity down and keep any more mold from growing.
The best news is, Misha was talking with the neighbor about our car challenges and he said the garage he owns there was available to rent. (All the apartment's garages were full when we left for America.) And he offered it to us at an excellent price! Praise the Lord! Our car is now safe and secure in its own little space.
Wow! Thanks, Misha, you are invaluable to us!
The best news is, Misha was talking with the neighbor about our car challenges and he said the garage he owns there was available to rent. (All the apartment's garages were full when we left for America.) And he offered it to us at an excellent price! Praise the Lord! Our car is now safe and secure in its own little space.
Wow! Thanks, Misha, you are invaluable to us!
At December 15, 2010 at 1:15 AM ,
Anonymous said...
My name is Glen Kelso and I live in the Sunriver area of Oregon and am an elder at Christian Life Center. I am friends with a Ukrainian pastor from the town of Perechin who will eventually need help in training lay leadership in the several churches he has helped start. I would love to have you and him get together. Please email me with your interest at
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