Faithful Servant
In order to continue to build relationships with the pastors, we have been visiting some of the churches in Debrecen. Today we attended the Free Christian Church service. When we arrived we were glad to see an old friend, János Végh. We first met János bácsi at the International Church of Debrecen (bácsi (bah-chee) means "uncle" in Hungarian and is used as a term of endearment for older men. The children in church call me Mike bácsi.). János bácsi is 91 years old and has served the Lord most of his life. We have heard him testify several times of what God has done in his life over the years, and are always amazed and encouraged by the miracles he has experienced. He is a real prayer warrior, and we were pleased when he grabbed us in a big hug and began to pray for us both. We couldn't understand every thing he said, but we could feel the presence of God on us as he prayed. He then told us that the Monday after Pentecost Sunday he will be traveling to another city to minister to and pray for a Catholic priest, a Greek Catholic priest, and someone from another denomination. Even at 91 he continues to serve God!
We have met several old saints of God like János bácsi who have served the Lord faithfully over the years, and have prayed fervently for revival to come to Hungary. I believe that we are beginning to see the fruit of those prayers! We praise God for and give honor to these precious saints of God!
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