A Very Busy November
The month of November was very busy for us. Below are a few pictures to show you where we went and what all we have been doing.
Thursday, November 12- We were asked to minister to a home prayer group in a village called Bagamér. This is a village about 40 kilometers east of Debrecen. Nancy sang, I shared from the Bible and we all prayed together. In the picture you can see the four ladies from the prayer group, Nancy and myself, and Misha Tovtin who helps me a lot with translation. Robert Szabó, a leader at the Shalom Open Bible Church in Debrecen, was also present. He took the picture.
Sunday, November 15 we ministered again at Örömhir Misszió (Good News Mission) in Budapest. This is one of the churches that has an INSTE group. God really blessed in the service that morning. We minister in this church quite regularly and have some very dear friends there.
Friday, November 20 we went to Oradea, Romania where we attended a prayer group that meets in the home of a friend of ours. Several people came after this picture was taken, and we ended up with about 30 people who gathered to pray for the churches, the city and for specific needs of the individuals. Our friends said that it is not unusual for them to have 60-70 people coming each Friday evening.
Here we are with six of the Romanian INSTE students who are studying in Oradea. They are excited about INSTE and how it has already helped them to grow spiritually and to strengthen their faith.
We left Oradea and traveled to Gherla, Romania to spend the weekend with John and Nelly Pop, who are the pastors of the Open Bible church there. We ministered to their congregation (seen above) that Sunday morning, and again God blessed and touched lives. They have also begun using INSTE in their church and are excited about the growth they are seeing already in the students. They are planning on starting new groups next year in the church in Gherla as well as the surrounding villages where they minister. Below is a picture of the INSTE students in Gherla with Nelly Pop (second from the left) as their leader.
Monday, November 23 on our way back from Gherla, we stopped in Cluj, Romania at the Starbucks in their new mall to meet with a pastor and talk about INSTE (see picture below). We were speaking English with a Hungarian pastor in an American coffee shop in Romania about INSTE- talk about an international experience!
This Sunday, November 29 Mike will also preach at the Shalom Open Bible Church here in Debrecen. Pray for God's anointing upon this service as well.
We have had a busy month with a lot of traveling. We are a bit tired physically, but God has blessed us and has ministered through us. Thank you, everyone, for your prayers. And we ask that you continue to pray for these churches, home groups and INSTE students!
We have had a busy month with a lot of traveling. We are a bit tired physically, but God has blessed us and has ministered through us. Thank you, everyone, for your prayers. And we ask that you continue to pray for these churches, home groups and INSTE students!
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