Ukrainian Trip Part 2
Well, we've made it back from Ukraine and what a trip it was! It was successful in that we were able to work with Tammy in the Ukrainian INSTE office two days, seeing how things are done there and discussing issues for the Hungarian office. We were able to work with not only Tammy, but her staff including Lena and Olga (top picture).
The train trip was an adventure. I was nervous about our trip, not knowing the language or customs and all and asked God for an angel to help us. My roommate on the trip out was an angel named Lesya (middle picture), a Ukrainian business woman who speaks enough English to help us with some of our questions during the trip. God bless her!
We traveled by sleeping car but didn't get a whole lot of sleep because the train is bumpy, noisy and stops a lot. It also doesn't help that traveling both ways, we were awakened by the border guards in the middle of the night to show our passports and answer a few questions. Ours was the luxury train trip though. To save money we could have got off the train at the border in the middle of the night, buy more tickets, and wait in the cold train station two hours with all our luggage. It would have been almost impossible for us to do this on our own, not knowing the language, so we were happy to pay a bit more and go "luxury."
Our last blog told a little of our trials on our sightseeing trip to Kyiv. Mike's wallet was stolen on the packed subway. God is our help and we thank him that neither his passport nor our train tickets home were stolen.
We went ahead and looked at a few sights in Kyiv after our misadventure. One was St. Michael's Church. Here's a picture of Mike in front of his church.
We made it home early this morning (Saturday). I washed some clothes from our trip and put them on the line to dry. The forecast showed a 20% chance of rain today. That 20% just came down from the sky and made my clothes wetter than when I hung them up! Oh well, I'll try hanging them inside now.
Please pray for us this week, too. We will be in language class, studying 100 Hungarian lessons in 11 days! Pray it sticks in our minds and comes out our mouths!
At May 24, 2008 at 3:05 PM ,
Unknown said...
It was great to have you here! God bless you these next 2 weeks in your classes!
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