We just had a very busy but great weekend. Friday after language class we went with Michael Gulyas to a small village not far from Debrecen. Louis Zapata, the evangelist from Argentina, was there holding meetings in the town hall. The place was packed. The preaching was in Spanish and translated into Hungarian. I (Nancy) was a little overwhelmed. I picked up a few of the Spanish words (I took Spanish in high school) and then I picked up a few more words in Hungarian. Some things matched and some things didn't. Maybe I misunderstood the Spanish word. Maybe I misunderstood the Hungarian word. Maybe the translator used another way of saying things than what I expected. Maybe all three! But the most exciting part of the service was when the altar call was given and more people than I could count came forward for salvation. Praise God!
We were encouraged on Friday by signs that our Hungarian is improving. We were able to communicate before the service with a Hungarian brother and learn a little about his six daughters. Then after the service, we were able to give directions to the Hungarian ladies who gave us a ride home, even if those directions were only "turn right," "turn left," and "follow the tram line."
Saturday we attended the International Church service here in Debrecen. It was another blessed service. The guest speaker was a pastor of a church here in town. That sermon was given in Hungarian and translated into English and was followed by a wonderful worship time.
Sunday we went with Michael Gulyas and a couple other men to an independent church in Budapest. Michael Gulyas preached and Mike shared a

few minutes in that service about INSTE. We were encouraged by the response from many people interested in INSTE. This service, too, was followed by an extended time of ministry, so we did not leave the church until almost two o'clock. Our hosts took us to a restaurant where we ate and talked for about three hours. (People stay as long as they wish in Hungarian restaurants. No one is given the bill until they ask for it.) By the time we got home, it was getting late and we were tired from our long day, but happy to see God at work in Hungary.
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